So to honor my birthday, this is what I'm asking. Please join me in cooperation with our furriends from Zoolatry, in a celebration of all things socks, "Sock It To Me Sunday". If you love socks too, now is the time to show it. If you've never given them the bitey...now is the time to try. Here are the rules:
1. Find a picture of yourself with a sock- you can be sleeping with it, playing with it, putting the bitey on it...no limits on your creativity.
2. Email the picture to our furriends at Zoolatry , let them know it's for Sock It To Me Sunday.
3. Please email the picture no later than Tuesday April 14th so the magic has time to happen.
4. Tune in on Sunday April 19th when participating kitties and their socks appear in the debut of Sock It To Me Sunday.
To get you started, my momma Ellie will bunny kick it off with an example...you can see the apple didn't fall too far from the tree! Thank you to Ann and her partners in creativity Maggy and Zoey for all my cool graphics!
Socks you shall have Cory.Happy 3rd Birthday!
Happy, happy birthday!!!!! We're all too glad to oblige in your sock hunt! :)
Happiest Birthday, Cory!
Sock it to me Sunday is a great idea and our participant will come as no surprise to you: Chilli. Have a pawsome day!
Siena & Chilli
Happiest Purrthday Ever! May your day be filled with lots to purr about!!
Happy Purrthday, Cory!!! We hope you have a great day!!!
We'll have to look for some pictures of us with socks cuz Sock it to me Sunday sounds like fun!
Happy Birthday Cory!!!! I hope you get lots of extra treats today! Sock it to Me Sunday sounds like fun! I'll ask my mom to take a picture of me with a sock!
Oops. Maw put the comment in the wrong entry. Happiest of Purrfdays Cory!
Luf, Us
Happy Birthday sweet Cory!
I will see what we can do with socks. We aren't as jazzed about socks as some kitties are, but for you, we'll do it!
We'll have to get on that right now, Cory!!!!
Happy Birthday sweetie! We will see what sock photos we can find!:)
Happy Birthday Cory!! I would be happy to nibble Mommy's feet in your honor!!
Mom Edit:: Happy Birthday Sweetie but I don't think I want me feet nibbled, so I'll have to see what we can do.
Mommy is a kill-joy!
Happy Birthday, Cory! My human pet doesn't wear socks so this should be very interesting...
Happy Birthday, Cory! Have a wonderful day ! We don't get to play with socks on feet. We might hurt Dads and he could get a nasty infection that would not heal.
We wanted to wish you the Happiest of Purrthdays, sweet Cory! We hope you get lotsa cheese and treats and scritches on your special day. We are going to see if we can get any pics together to participate in Sock It To Me Sunday!
Happy 3rd birthday Cory. The sock hunt sounds good. Do socks not on feet count? Mamacita loves to play with socks on the floor! Have a fun day!
The cats of Wildcat Woods
Happy 3rd Birthday Cory! This is such a fun "gift!" I'll get right on it. I like playing in laundry, but have never specifically tried socks...I'll have to give it a shot!
PS I didn't know you had an FIV+ kitty. I am FIV+. Mommy hopes I live as long and happy a life as your Jonathan.
What fun mum says we can join in. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Hope you had a good one.
Hugs GJ xx
Socks are a neat idea! Happy 3rd birthday, Cory, and we hope you have many happy years to come!
Have a wonderful Happy Birthday, Cory! Yes, you are lovely and wonderful:)
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy 3rd Birthday Cory and many, many, many mooooooore!! We love socks!! And Sock it to me Sunday sounds cool!!
Your FL furiends,
and Maverick
Happy birthday to you-ooo.
Happy birthday to you-ooo.
Happy birthday furry Cory-ooo.
Happy birthday to you-ooo.
Sorry about the howling but Buddy is a hound.
What a neat way to celebrate your birthday.
Happy 3rd Birthday Cory!! We can find out together how much fun being 3 will be!!
Hugs & Purrs,
Happy Birthday from Sammy, Festus & Mama, too!!!
Happy Birthday, Cory! My birthday is today, too. Isn't being three cool? I hope that you have a very wonderful birthday with treats and snuggles.
Whoops - I forgot to sign my post. It's my birthday, not Charlemagne's (that was yesterday).
Happy Birthday Cory! We hope you are having the bestest of all days!
As for socks - none of us has EVER taken even the slightest interest in one.... We don't know why that is - we also do not care for shoes at all either...
But we love sweaters and jackets.....
Happy Birthday, Cory!
Oh happy day good friend!
Happy 3rd Birthday Cory!! We hope your Birthday is filled with nippin' fun!Whooo Hoo=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Happy Birthday! I'll start hunting for some socks right away!
Wishing you the happiest Birthday ever!
We are SO going to join in "sock it to me" Sunday!
Love Milo and Alfie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy Birthday, Cory! I hope you have a super-duper, sock-filled birthday!
Happy Happy 3rd Birthday Cory!!! We hope you get lotsa treats, lovin' and yes, SOCKS on your special day, furriend!
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
happy birthday to you!
oh we like dem socks- we like feet!
Happy Purrthday! Hmm, socks...
Happy 3rd Birthday, Cory :-D You are such a pretty girl and I love the red bows and hat you're wearing in celebration of your birthday!
Happy birthday, Cory!
I'm not really into socks, but Cosmo goes through phases when she has a thing for them, so I'll try and get a shot of her in action!
Happy Birfday CORY!
Happy purrfday Cory. Neither of us are in to socks so we will have to pass on this one.
Happy, happy 3rd birthday, Cory! I don't think I have any pictures of me with socks, but I am going to get my mom to get busy to try and get some. I hope you had a great day!
Happy Purrfday Cory! That socks it to you sounds likes lots of fun. I will has to get momma to do the laundry and photo me putting the bitey on them. I likes to try to steal them away.
Happy Birthday Cory - we hope you had a purrfect day!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Happy birthday ^^
I haven't picture with socks, but I will try to take a = x
Jas & Gi
We hope you have a super fun day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sock it to me Sunday...sounds like fun :) heehee
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Happy Birthday!
oooOO bunny kicking socks is so much fun!
Oooooh, this is going to be hard. Our Mom hates socks most of the time. We think she only has one pair somewhere. We will have to dig around for them. Happy Birthday Cory! We will try to participate.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Happy belated Purrthday Cory! We hope we aren't to late for the commentathon.
We aren't sock guys, but we hope you get lots of pictures of kitties who do love socks!
Happy belated birthday, Cory :-) Socks sound like fun... but we don't play with them. We know a woofie who does. Can she enter?
Miss CORY!!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRFDAY pretty girl!!!
I am so sorry I am late.. Momma is mega slack lately with visiting!@ grrr @ momma...
BUT Miss ... ioohhh I want to gives you something/// ohh maybe virtual vampy Vic of luurve kissies.. oh yes very many a cause I was late even... yes this is what I is sending.
I hope you had the most wonderful day and have many many more :)))
Happy Belated Purrthday!
We sent Zoolatry a photo a while ago but we don't know what we're supposed to do. Are we supposed to post that photo on our own blog Sunday? Or do you post it? Or does Zoolatry? We haven't heard anything and it just occurred to us that Sunday is only a littler over 24 hours away.
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