Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Man Cat Monday

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Easy Like Sunday Morning- Sleeping Beauties
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Saturday in the Garden with Jonesie

Friday, June 26, 2009
Formerly Feral Friday

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Thursday Update
I have not thrown up again, and I ate a little bit at the v-e-t, but I have not eaten anything at home. I mostly want to sleep. I have to go back in to the v-e-t for a recheck in the morning. Mom and Dad want me to eat something so I don't have to be checked back in again. I am in my own room so they can monitor what I do. Thank you for the purrs and prayers. I think I need all I can get so I can get back to my gig being a trouble maker.
I was a good girl at the v-e-t. I hopped out of my carrier and explored the room and tried to open up a cupboard. I'm getting back to being me. I ate a little bit of some stinky sardine food the v-e-t gave me and I've given a few licks to the baby food and Natural Balance turkey and giblets. My mom and dad have put out a spread for me...and what do I do? I ate a couple of bites of my kibble. I'm not eating a lot, but it's a start. I really appreciate all the purrs. Knowing that you are all thinking of me makes me feel so good.
Wordy Wednesday

Bennette is still on IV fluids and didn't want to eat baby food this morning. Good news is no more vomiting and she spiked a fever over night but it's now back in the normal range. She will be moved from the emergency v-e-t to her regular doctor this morning. Thank you for the purrs.
***Another UPDATE***
Bennette responded to her appetite stimulant this afternoon and she ate some food. She will be able to come home tonight but will have to go back to the v-e-t for a recheck in the morning. Jonesie has agreed to give up her Thursday garden post so we can continue to focus on our Bennette.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Tuesday Toysday!

PS...we have more fun pictures at Wendy's LOL today. Go visit!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Monday Momma Meezer Tales
Ellie: What do you mean? Toys come from all sorts of places, like the pet store, or furriends mailing them to us or from the Internet.

Ellie: Well baby girl, it's a well kept secret, but it's true. Jonesie is right about this one, toys actually do grow on trees.

Ellie: Yes, it's true. Mom can you confirm this for our Cory?

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Easy Like Sunday Morning

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Saturday Snuffles

I had a hard week. I was sneezing and snuffling again and I got stuffed in a box and hauled off to the v-e-t. They gave me another antibiotic shot and some antihistamine to keep my nose in check. I'm doing better now. I've always had sinus issues, but I think I got a major dose of kitty hay fever! Achoo!!!! I'm breathing easier now. I heard a rumor that I'm not the only one to go to the v-e-t this week. Today 2 more get to go...Nigel needs shots and my girlfriend Cecilia needs shots too. I'm not sure my mom and dad can get her in a box. Should be quite interesting.