This has been a week of my mom being totally insufferable...dragging out ALL of my kitten pictures for the world to see. How would you feel if your mother did that to you? I know she's only trying to help, but sheesh... I may be trailing in the polls of cuteness, but as long as I'm still in it, I'll keep trying.
This is one picture I don't mind sharing. It shows my early aptitude for blogging. I've always been fascinated with computer keyboards and never miss an opportunity to sleep on them or paw at them. I even learned how to open notepad on my own and type secret messages. I'm about 3 months old here.

I think my dad was trying to be tricky by putting a pad of paper over the keyboard so I couldn't cause too much trouble. Did he think I'd try to order from the online pet store when his back was turned? Grete came home from her spay surgery. She is not feeling so great and she does not want to leave her crate. We are purring she feels better real soon.
a baby blogger, ready to go from the start. so cute.
sometimes the beans hear 'beep, beep, beep' from the room computer is in and they KNOW we are walking on it.
You were such an adorable kitten though, she was just posting to show you off.
Wonderful pic, Cory!
We are purring for Grete. Especially Chilli as she had a bad time with her spay surgery too. On the third day she was much, much better, so that's what we hope for Grete too. Purrs her way!
Siena & Chilli
There are no baby pictures of us. We didn't get our humans until we were a year and a half. You look very adept at that picture. A very gifted kitten.
Purrs for Grete.
I hopes that Grete gets better soon... it must be so much yuckier for girls.. thank goodness I am a boy.. I will be sending virtual healing lickities even though Grete is a woofie, I still wants to see her all better :)
We hope Grete geels better soon. Purrs.
You were a very cute baby. I'm feeling a bit down this morning about KFC 'cos I'm being whupped by Monkey who has far more votes than me. Where's the Niptinis?? I need a Niptini!
Still, you're right ... I'll keep trying ...
Hi Cory - you are aorable in that photo - we hope Grete feels better soon!
Oh Cory you are so lovely in all yur photo's be they old or new.
Sending purrs for Crete and hope she is back to her old self soon.
Hugs GJ x
Cory...we love seeing your baby pictures! Mom is always looking at my baby pictures...she doesn't have any of Ernie or Zoey cuz they were a little older when they came here...
We can see you were destine to blog!
We are purring for Grete and hoping she feels better soon!
I love seeing baby pictures!! I hope that Grete is feeling better soon. That seems like it would be a tough surgery!
We are most glad that your mum has been posting your baby photos, because the cuteness brightens our day:) Mum can't resist a tiny ball of floof!
We are purring for Grete. We hope she is back in the park with her boyfriends in no time!
Cory, you were such a cutie patootie!
We are purring very hard for Grete! We sure hope she feels 100% very soon! Sending her our best healing vibes!
Cory, you were an adorable kitten!
Grete, yoo gots our purrs and Jake sends sum dawg licks to yoo!
Cory yoo is absolutely adorable!
You are such a cute little baby I can see why your Momma keeps posting those photos.
I am sure Grete will be fine in no time! We will purr for her.
Your photos of baby are so cute!
Jas & Gi
What a pretty picture, Cory!
You are lucky to have so many baby photos, Cory. Mom's camera was almosted deaded when she found us. We only have a very few of Gandalf as a kitten, and none of Grayson 'coz he was already a Mancat.
We are purring for Grete!!!!
That is a great picture of you Cory!
That's a cute one of you. Such a smart kitty! I just only ever walk right across the keyboard. SS wishes she could have a baby picture of me, but that's impossible as I was an adult stray when I came to live with the family.
Purrrs for Grete!!
Please tell Grete we are purring for her and that Fenris is sending her some healing puppy licks. We hopes she is feeling much better today. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
You were a kitten prodigy? We're glad to note in the next post Grete is doing better. Sneaky, putting it in the labels.
You are adorable! We try doing that too, but we cover the entire keyboard and then some.
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