This may look like an ordinary patch of garlic plants, but I can assure you, it's so much more. A garden cat must be able to look at her garden in many ways, not just the obvious.

Come, look more closely.
Biggify if you need to.

What's this!? Yes, it's yours truly, sleeping on the job. Garlic makes a nice hiding spot. I've been advised to take it easy to recover from my episode of "gardening elbow", so I'm following doctors orders.

A nice snooze in the garlic patch is working wonders for me! You should give it a try. The garlic patch is a part of my herb garden that is being
disassembled, but we are leaving the garlic in place until we harvest it. Then the remaining
bulblets will be moved to their new location. Once I get my basil patch up and running, mom will mix it all up and then she makes pesto. I don't much care for pesto on my cat food, but mom and dad seem to like it (not on cat food!). That's why I grow these things to keep them happy.

I wouldn't be a good sister if I didn't make a last minute plea for votes for Cory in Kitty Fight Club! She's behind by quite a few votes, so help her out if you can.
PS-Grete is doing better everyday. She will have to be on a leash even in our own yard for 10 days before she can cut loose again...and yes, she is whining...
What a neat little hidey spot.Sorry to hear you have gardeners elbow.
You are an excellent gardener. I like your spot to hide in... gardeners elbow? I hope I don't get that snoopervising my human...
That looks like a great shady hiding spot. Glad to hear Grete is feeling better! Now I'm off to vote for Cory!
That spot looks like the perfect combo of sunbeam and shade!
What a great hiding place! Do you smell of garlic afta tho?
Alfie xxx
We're all rooting for Cory. I'm not doing so well in the KFC tho - so I think I'll be hosting a losers party!! Still Mom and Alfie and Dad say I'm cute anyway, wevver I win or lose - so I don't mind. I heard them talking about getting me a consolashun prize to cheer me up - so I'm playing on getting sympaffy from them. After all I've been thro in the voting it's only fair!
Milo xxx
What a nice surprise to see your pretty little peepers peeking out from the garlic plants:)
That was so cute seeing you there in the garlic plants, do the plants smell like the bulbs.
Good luck inthe contest and glad to hear Grete is on the mend.
Hugs GJ x
MMMMmmmmmm Mommy says pesto is good. Me, not so much!
Jonesie's leading the good life -- a nice patch of green to shield her from the sun -- and no worries about any vampire bats trying to dive-bomb her with all that garlic about!
Great hidey hole in the garlic, Jonesie!
Sorry to hear Grete has to be leashed for 10 days! So not fair!
very interesting spot to rest!
Jonesie, this garlic patch is made for you to recover in! BTW, I saw that you weren't sleeping but checking for bulb-biting-bugs! Porr Grete... but it'll be over in no time. Purrs to her too!
That looks like the bestest hidey spot. We hope your gardener's elbow gets better soon. It is good to hear that Grete is feeling better also.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
That looks like a delightful spot to hang out! It is so nice of you to take such good care of the garden for your beans!
Looks like a nice spot to hide, but does it smell in there, Jonesie?
What a very nice sleeping spot! You'll definitely never have to worry about vampires with that garlic scent all over you!
That looks like an excellent hidey spot. We hope your "gardening elbow" feels better.
It looks like a nice place to nap.
You garlic is big already. Perfect hiding spot.
Cory, there may only be one declared winner, but there are certainly no losers! :-D
Head-bonks from Gandalf and Grayson
You look great out there in all the green Jonesie! Everything is so big and lush! Our basil seed is still in its package! The PM makes her own pesto too and still has four cubes left from last Fall so she's only using it on special occasions.
Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee
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