Here's what I'm thinking. My favorite show is on tonight and I'm planning on watching it with my mom. The show is the Biggest Loser. Trouble is, the cat who really should be watching it will be nowhere near the TV. That cat, who shall remain nameless for a few more seconds is having...issues with his weight. Now certainly I understand all that. I myself was homeless and hungry and I didn't understand that there would be food available tomorrow. So I proceeded to eat my way up to 16 pounds. With the help of watching Bob and Jillian and my sister
Jonesie's gardening exercise plan I am now down to a very
svelte 13.8 pounds. That's why I'm always rolling and exposing my belly. I'm proud of it.

So...it's time for Nigel to face the Biggest Loser scale. With the help of mom, he climbs on.....beep beep beep beep beep....whoa! 18.4 pounds! Uh Nigel, you are officially the heaviest cat we've ever weighed in on the family scale. Do you have anything to say? (deafening silence)
Well, speaking as one big boned cat to another--you can't help it if you are big boned!
We all watch that show too!
Poor Nigel, maybe he needs Jillian to come over!
18,4 pounds... just a second... checking what's that in kilo... What?????
Whoa Nigel, you better start telling you're a Maine Coon!
Oh dear... Poor Nigel! It is so very hard to retrain one's mind and stomach to understand that it is not necessary to store food inside one's body when the cupboards at home are full!
Oh poor Nigel ~ it's not his fault really. he just thinks he's gotta eat and eat in case he doesn't get fed ever again. Anyway he's very mancatly ~ AND chunky is the noo slim!
Milo and Alfie xx
We think Nigel just appreciates food so much more now!! Maybe you should be like Jillian, Ginger, and start working Nigel out!!
Chevelle really needs to be watching that show with Nigel! They could be weigh tloss buddies!
Purrhaps whitey should also watch that show. Just saying.
Hmm....can Tamir come over and watch with Nigel and Whitey?
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We've missed your gossip, Ginger!
My Mom watches that show with Samson on her lap while I run up and down the hall. I think they should learn something because I'm the only one at a perfect weight here!
Are you heavier than Grete, Nigel? That's when you would really need to worry...
You can lead a kitty to the Biggest Loser show but you can't make him watch it! When a kitty wants to slim down a kitty will slim down. Maybe you's momma could help ta convince the chubby one to lay low on da treats☺
Is it to late to grow taller?=^Y^=
Nigel looks like a big boy though - our kitty Floyd had a similar look and got up to I think 24 at his biggest - the vet would like him around 17 (he is now 15 1/2 from being sick so we need him bigger). So based on that Nigel can't be too bad off - 18 is only a little heavier.So I don't think it is as bad as you say Ginger - although I do love your tattletale Tuesday news!
All Nigel needs ia a bit more activity! Some cats are big boned!
Congrats on your successful diet, Ginger! You were always a pretty kitty at any size.
I guess Nigel just enjoys the home life too much after being without. Who can blame him? Not all kitties that weigh 18 lbs. need to lose weight. Are you sure he's not just "big-boned"?
My Dante is big-boned and he weighs 21 lbs. and is just right!
well yeah, Miles needs to haf Jillian come and kick his fat furry butt.
That's pretty big for a kitty for sure...hopefully he learns to love the garden exercise plan you've adopted? :)
I bet he says it's all floof, too!
Congratulations on your weight loss!
We watch that show at our house, too.
Momma watches that show and I nap on her lap.
It's one of her favorites. She can't wait to see how this year's contestants do.
I'm pulling for Abby just sayin....
I'm sending Eric over to watch that show too.
OMC!!! 18.4 lbs!!! That's more than 2 of me.
"Oh My" Poor Nigel(Hug).
You've got a great tummy - don't lose a single inch from it!
Well that is... substantial Nigel.
I think Nigel is just floofy!
Nigel seems seriously weighty!
In Nigel's defense, I too am a widebody and I'M PROUD OF IT!!
Max S.
Oh Nigel, you are one sturdy boy! Not fat, not overweight, sturdy.
Yes, sturdy.
Sturdy Wuudler
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