Hi everyone! You won't believe what's been going on here. We had guests last week. Cory and Ellie were acting all like little miss perfects. Everyone was fawning all over them. I knew that Cory couldn't keep it up for the whole visit. Turns out I was right. One night when everyone was sitting around all peaceful and stuff...Miss Cory
zoomy paws comes flying out of the guest room with my aunts shopping bag handle around her neck. She's dragging the bag at full warp speed into the living room, contents flying everywhere until the little trouble maker runs herself into the couch where she unloads the bag and goes zipping off down the hall! And you know what everyone does? They laughed as if it was the cutest thing they had ever seen. Are they nuts? They didn't even make her clean up her mess.
But she's not done. So then on Sunday morning when mom was quietly helping me with my post, Miss
zoomy paws and Grete were playing rough. There was a big CRASH! Grete and Cory went flying up the stairs. I went with my mom to investigate and this is what we found. Total destruction.

Ellie came by to check it out...no doubt to try and cover up for her daughter.

Soon Cory returned to the scene of the crime.

Don't even try it Cory, that wide eyed innocent look won't work on me! Nope!

So what did my mom do? Did she ground Cory for a whole month? NO! I even saw my mom give Cory bites of cheese later in the day. That is so not fair. Do you think I would get cheese if I broke something? That girl gets away with everything. And Grete? Her ears went flat and my mom starting fawning over her.
And that my friends is how it really works around here.
Pee Ess...mom is going away for a couple of days so she won't be able to help us visit very much until the weekend and dad won't help us. Sigh.
Hmm... I still think there is some question of who did it. I wonder who?
this post made me smile. i mean no mateter what they do you gotta love em cuz it is so innocent. one time my cat came around the corner with a shopping bag handle caught on his neck and he was trying to run from it. poor guy. they are all so darn cute no matter what!
-us4 gatos
The good thing about living in a multicat household is that there's always someone else to blame if you've been norty!
After reading your post, Ginger, which did indeed make us smile, we took another look at your profile. Hmmmm..... it says that you "like eating, sleeping and overreacting to everything."..... we rest our case!
Hmmm ... well someone was norty ... but we're not sure who! You ALL look innocent!
Milo and Alfie xx
Hahahaha! Cory, you had loads of fun, didn't you?!
Great journalistic investigative reporting Ginger!
Cory, the shopping bag story is hilarious! Sounds like the same way it is here at our house. Maggie May gets away with everything!
Hmm..... this is a real whodunit!!! Is there video of this, Ginger? Maybe Poppy will let you borrow her collar cam.
Well, Ginger...we think you ought to start hanging around with Cory...when you do something bad, you'll get away with it too if Cory is involved...or just blame it on Cory, and she'll get away with it...then no cat gets in trouble!
Why is Mom laughing? Could it be because Allie has done the same thing with a shopping bag?
Innocent until proven guilty! We know Cory would never do anything bad. Actually, we know nobuddy in your house would!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Well, Ginger, if making messes and breaking things gets you cheese, maybe you should try the same thing. You like rolling around -- maybe you could roll around on the table or something and "accidentally" cause something to fall. You look so cute when you're rolling, no one could possibly blame you!
Ginger, you've blown this case wide open! But Cory was so cute in her video yesterday... it can't possible have been her. Could it have been Nigel, pretending he was Cory?
We wonder who it really was that broke that thing? We may never know...
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Mr Nobody always does things like that at our house. Maybe he came to visit you?
Cory, that wide eyed innocent look duz work on me! :-D
Whitey xo
Oh Ginger, I am sure Cory was scared by the bag and the noise. We know you are the good one who wouldn't do those kinds of things - but if you did do something I am sure your mom would be nice to you too.
Sometimes trouble comes in threes...what's next? If you look around our house, there's lotsa glued together stuff. Mike used to like gluing stuff back together...Teri just throws it away now...
Ooh, we had a crashy event too. I killed the Lava Lamp!
Cory, I think you were framed! Based upon your sweet purry face yesterday, I think it is impossible that you done wrong.
Awwww Ginger....we bet you wouldn't get in trouble either!
Oh, boy. I'm not pointing fingers...or is that paws?
Are you sure it was Cory? Maybe you had a visit from Nott Me.
Zoomy Paws, I like that.
Super zoomy cats here equals no more breakables in our house...cory can come visit any time! :)
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