There is so much to do in the garden this time of year, it's hard for a cat to keep up with it all. My mom planted lettuce greens in the greenhouse and now they are taking off like crazy. She tried to put some of them outside but they didn't make it. Maybe next week she can try again?

Dad built a bed for our herbs so the ones taken from their former garden would have a home. They are happy so far. We have sage, chives, oregano and thyme in this garden bed.

Here are some large plants stakes that my dad got. They are going to be used to hold up plants but I've got a better use for them.

They are handy to scratch an itch.

My friends Goldie, Banshee and Shade from
Sumac Stories noticed the Solomon Seal in our yard in a prior post. We were so happy they picked up on that because it's one of my most favorite plants in the yard. Now everyone in the family wants to get their picture taken in front of it (we have several patches of it, not just one). I had to be first of course.

Then Madison wanted to take part.

Then Ginger didn't want to be left out.

I sure hope they all remember this is supposed to be in the garden with
JONESIE...not in the garden with everyone...but it's ok if they butt in once in awhile.
It was still a beautiful tour.
Lovely tour today Jonesie. We love to see your family in the garden also.
Jonesie, is your garden open to the public? 'Cos if it is, we'd visit! We fink it's gorjuss AND we like the garden music today too.
Praps you could have an Open Day - and we'd teleport over. Then it would be Thursday in the garden with effurry one!
Milo and Alfie xx
The Solomon seal is even lovelier with you pretty kitties at his side! Have a wonderful day in the garden, Jonesie.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
You sure do have a lot of plants to munch on.
We bet your parents prepare some very delishus meals with all those fresh veggies and herbs!!
We bet it is very difficult to come up with just one endearing trait in a big household. We have the same problem!
Jonesie makes such a good tour guide for the garden. There's nothing like picture of cats in gardens -- these would make a good calendar.
It sounds like the garden has been keeping everyone busy. I'm sure you're still the star, though, Jonesie! :)
what a great garden Jonsie!
What a wonderful garden, Jonesie. And beautiful pictures. Our Humans are working in the garden at our summer house all the time. We bet your humans could teach them a thing or two about gardening :-)
Yes the Woman is mad about all the rain because she hasn't had a chance to go out and weed at all. Not that she likes weeding but she said if it doesn't stop she'll have a huge amount more work to do because no one will ever notice she did anything. I certainly didn't...
Great photos!! You have the best garden we have seen in awhile! So lush!! Pat your folks on the back from us!!!
Purrs The Sumac bunch!
Jonesie, you look a little miffed in the first it because the lettuce greens outside didn't make it?
Jonesie, you are nice to share your garden once in a while.
This garden combines well with you!
Jas & Gi
The garden is really looking Excellent.
Thanks for the Gotcha Day wishes.
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