Something has been up...we weren't sure what, but we knew there were changes happening in our screen porch. We only get to use it part of the year and that makes us want to be in it all the time. There was a lot of noise last week and strange people coming and going. It still smells a little funny. But guess what? Those awful dark screens are gone! In it's place are real windows and real doors. Mom and dad said that means we can be in there ALL year round!!!!
Yay! But wait...there's more!

We were locked out for a few minutes and next thing you know mom and dad are hauling in the most wonderful thing we have ever seen! We jumped on it right away!

We sniffed and inspected...

And then I started putting the
bitey on the dangling toy!

And then I couldn't make up my mind if I wanted to
bitey or I did both at the same time!

And then I got serious about scratching.

And then I had to
bitey again!

My mom took off the toy because she only wants me to play with it when I'm supervised because she knows I will eat it!!! Ha! Isn't that the reason it's there? I've been told that we will be banned from the room in another week because they still have to paint the door and they want to put shiny stuff on the tile...but then...pure bliss!
How cool! Your own adventure playground!
What an absolutely wonderful space for you to play in all year. Hurray!
That is so cool, you very own spot to play, climb, scratch.Just brilliant. You parents are so good.
Hugs GJ xx
Oh that is the most pawsome awesome fantastic wonderful climbing tree wiv great toy attachments. You are SO lucky. And the porch is great too. Enjoy!
Milo and Alfie xx
Pawesome! A 4-season porch AND a new condo! You will all enjoy both very much! Next up: Bird Watching!
What a wonderful surprise for kitties! Doesn't seem fair that mom would give you a new toy and then take it away, though. I guess she wants you to be safe -- mom's can be like that.
You are some furry furtunate cats, Cory! Built with kitties in mind, fur sure.
Wow, what a great room and toy!
What a great place to hang out, play and view the world!!
What a great surprise!! We think your new room is super and that cat tree is fantastic!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Holy cats! What a great thing to have happen! That tree is super-duper cool!
Nothing like a room to your own!
Melvin and I squeeked a little when we heard 10000 Maniacs and Toad the Wet Sprocket playing from your player. :D
Sweet day in the sunshine, it's like nirvana.
Beyond awesome--beeyawesome!
Cory, we iz gonna showz our momma diz new thingy of youz right away. We wantz one!
A cat tree and a special room to play in: awesome!
You are lucky. Your very own room and a lovely new cat tree.
What a fun new hangout!
Wow! That's awesome! What a great surprise! :) Now you can hang out in there even when it's rainy!
Wow! Dat looks so nice! What fun.
Cory, those are some absolutely pawsome surprises! Definitely pure bliss for all of you ... we are soooo happy because we know how much you will enjoy both the four seasons porch and the cat tree! Can we teleport up to the porch for a meezer pile with you all?
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Wowie kazowie, that looks like a fabyoolus cat tree! And Momma would hafta put the toy away too cuz she'd think us Ballicai might eat it!
Have lots of funsies!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
That is so cool! Wish we could have a porch like that!
Ellie, you certainly are on a roll this Monday morning! It's a great way to start out the week!
Love those belly floofs of yours.
My kitties are SO JEALOUS! They'd love to have something like this!
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