Sunday, October 4, 2009
Fun on a Sunday
We've been doing a lot of celebrating around here. I had no idea what the plans were, but mom and dad kept saying I would really be happy! They were right! We went to beach. It was special time for me because the kitties had to stay at home and I got mom and dad and the beach all to myself!
Dad even wrote my name in the sand! He said it was a more socially acceptable way of marking my territory.
When we got back my kitties were a wee bit upset, but they got over it quickly. Bennette checked and she said there was an envelope in the mail! Mom said they had to wait until after dinner to open it.
Then dinner was served. I know that this special day had nothing whatsoever to do with Cory and Ellie, but guess who was first at the table? The little marauders.

All things belong to Cory,
Grete loves the beach
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What an exciting day you had at the beach! It makes the woman miss Oregon.
And I am so glad the kitties got some nice tasty roast chicken for having to be alone all day!!!
I'm sure that nommy chicken made up fornot being able to visit that giant litterbox!
I can't wait to see your presents.
I know whatcha mean about chicken. The Big Thing accidently left a chicken bone on the counter (inna bowl unner another bowl) but I got up there (it wasn't easy) an got it annyway. I ate most of it.
I'm not sposed ta do that... But I loved it.
Oh Grete! I am so envious that you got to go to the beach!
It sounds lie you have all been having a great time! We're very happy for you!
Tommy, Tama-Chan, Sei-Chan and Yuu-Chan
WOW! Sounds like yoo are all having a great time this weekend. We LOVE chicken.
Milo and Alfie xx
Very nice! Kittehs can't be expected to control themselves when there's chick-hen left on the table for anybody to eat!
Could there be a better way to celebrate? I think not...
You had me at chicken.
Whitey xo
Wow! That musta been fun going to the beach, Grete!! And that chicken!!! Our mouths are watering!! We can't wait to see more of the celebrations!
A visit to the beach sounds like fun! We've never been to the beach but we do see it sometimes from our PTU's.
Chick-hen? You got Chick-hen too? We're really jealous!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Not fair that the doggies got to go to the beach and the kittens had to stay home. Looks like you made up for missing out on the fun with plenty of good food. It all evens out.
Wow the beach sounds like lots of fun, all that sand!
The beach and chicken?! Wow, Grete, you got it made. At least the kitties, some of them, got the chicken. Poor Ginger...
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Grete, is today your gotcha day? if it is, happy gotcha day sweetie! I see that you had a blast on the beach! and yes, there is no way to make us act polite around chicken, you know... There is something about chicken..... and tuna....... and catnip......... and.... fish...... and ....well...well, can't wait to hear all about the gifts!
Lucky, Bugsy and Hope
Grete, I got it all wrong, I am sorry! So, we heard today is your surgery anniversary - oh my goodness! you are doing GREAT! Look at you running on the beach all happy! Well done! And we also heard..... it was Ginger and Bennette's gotcha day!!!!! HAPPY GOTCHA DAY Ginger and BENNETTE!!!
Last but NOT least, Meowmy's Birthday!!! No wonder you guys are having a week long celebration! Wow! You have Lots to celebrate! Congratulatulations!!!!
Grete, we always furry mucho ♥ it when it is time fur you's to comment and post. We get our doggies an' show them you's photo cuz Miss Freyja looks lots like you's. BTW, can we have somma' you's chicken?
Chick-Hen and the beach, with presents to come! Wow can't wait for the week.
Thanks for stopping by my little blog! I'm a Minnesota cat so I've never been to a beach. Looks like quite a playground though! And WOW, you've got a huge family! I've never even MET another cat in person. And you have EIGHT in your family! I met a dog once though...he was ok. I think I scared him.
(Glogirly's smart and good looking cat)
::DROOL:: Chick-hen!
Chik-hen? Chik-hen! Um nom nom nom! All you need now is a bit of catnip! Hehehe. Cory, I's like you - I gots to eat firstest, no matter what. Luckily, 1st Bonnie an now Nina is nice bout lettin me go first.
I can't magin what's in dat myserius pakage...
Birthday week sounds like your mom has the right idea. What a good mom you have! And the beach? That was a mighty treat.
Wow Birthday Week is a great idea! We should all do that - kitties, doggies, humans.
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