Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wordy Wedesday

I got some questions about the package that came in the mail this past weekend. My mom and dad ordered a copper fire pit. My momma and I...well being us, we think everything that comes to the door in a box must belong to us. That's just the way it is. There have been lots of times that we get cards, toys, treats from our furriends, or mom orders them for us herself. So when it turned out that the package was not for us...well, we were shocked. I think I can use this to guilt my mom into ordering more toys online or making a special trip to the specialty toy store...maybe even get some Yeowww toys which are our favorites!!!

Here I am sitting in dad's inbox...this is highly recommended if you don't want to miss any incoming mail or packages.

Another question I got is about the "Wells Fargo Wagon". Around here, we don't really get the Wells Fargo Wagon. It's either the US Mail truck, or my personal favorite, the UPS truck. The boys in brown usually have better stuff...just in my experience. Apparently long ago it was the Wells Fargo Wagon that delivered the good stuff. So for us, UPS = Wells Fargo Wagon. I did a search and found this little clip. This is the song my mom sings to us when she sees that brown truck on the street and she's hoping it stops at our house. Silly humans, but they are entertaining. So turn up the sound and sing along with me: "Yes it could be....something special...just for me"!!!!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I would be shocked if a package came and it was not for me either! That is just wrong!

Misha said...

But you guys always get to play in the boxes that things come in, don't you?!

Cat with a Garden said...

The video was great! We especiallly liked the very talented, hehehehe, little redhead. Packages are pawsome and if they are for us it's even better.

Anonymous said...

We love getting stuff throo the post too. We think all post shud be for us!

Milo and Alfie xx

Forever Foster said...

But the box was for you, right?!
We chuckled at the idea of 8 yoghurt containers hanging up at your house. We know the look our mum got just having one hanging up!:P

The Florida Furkids said...

We love packages too!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Creek Cats said...

We love getting packages cause we love the boxes they come in!!

That was a great video clip!

The Monkeys said...

The men in brown pyjamas are usually delivering to us too! We hope the guilt works, we love those Yeowww bananas!

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, kitties can become quite egoCATric and think efurrything is fur them. I think that's because we spoil them so much, so it's really not their fault for thinking that way.

What a blast from the past!

Rusty said...

We like the guys in brown too! Mom always looks to see if the truck is gonna stop at our house when it goes by, whether she's ordered anything or not!

Anonymous said...

Music Man is a great movie. We have not watched that is many years! That little Ronnie Howard sure was a great lisping spitter, wasn't he? Mom grew up in a town called Winthrop until she was 13!

The Meezers or Billy said...

our mom is going HOLY BAST! IT'S OPIE!

catsynth said...

New packages are always exciting!
It's too bad Luna can't sign for them directly.

The Island Cats said...

We love getting packages too! We wonder what the mailman or UPS guy must think when there's a letter or a package addressed to us!

Thanks for reminding our mom about the Wells Fargo Wagon...that was fun to see that video!

Reese =^..^= said...

Oh, my Mom sings that goofy song least she calls it singing. Just acuz she played Annmarilis in the play once....sheesh.

Cat with a Garden said...

"smackdown between Sniffie and Ellie"??? When? Where? Did we miss something impawtant?


Even when a packages come for Momma we always get the box and that to us is the best part anyways.


Amy & the house of cats said...

I hope that you at least got to play in the box that the fire pit came in. It not then that would be sad - because I know kitties love boxes!

Anonymous said...

Why Cory, you certainly are good at finding things to entertain us with song and dance! We always knew you were such a special kitty!

Tuck said...

It wasn't for you??? How is that possible??