"When accepting this award, you must blog about the food you have stolen when your humans were not watching. If you have never stolen any food, you must have been a really good kit or pup. You can accept this yummy tray of cookies as your reward! Next add the logo of this award to your blog." So go ahead, if you want to play too...grab the logo and play along.
I suppose that if I look at this literally, there is hardly anything I have stolen when my humans were not watching. I usually steal food right out from under them while they are watching. I'm pretty open about my thievery. Whether it's salad:

Nothing is sacred. I may have written about my passion for cheese and chicken, but that is NEVER left out unattended anymore because I get super twitchy over those foods. I have even taken cheese out of the mouth of my very own momma Ellie (when she was going for the very same bite).
My mom may have already had me confess about my chicken addiction in a prior post, but she couldn't find it in the archives so here goes again. This is my most embarrassing food moment.
I was about 5 months old, still just a baby. Mom and dad were having Cornish Game Hen for dinner. They each had 1/2 of a sweet little birdie on their plates. I was sitting on a dining room chair next to the table. I kept on staring at the birdies. I got twitchy. I got a little meowy. I was squirming in my seat, but still was keeping all four paws on the chair.
And then, in the blink of an eye, I leaped on the table and dove at my mom's plate. I snatched the game hen in my mouth. My mom yelled "NO"! I chomped her thumb. My mom screamed and grabbed her thumb. That was my moment. Off the table I jumped with the 1/2 hen in my mouth. Dad was yelling and I was running. I ran down the hallway to the bedroom and I hid under the futon with my prize hen. Oh I was brilliant! Dad reached under the futon and pulled me out, the game hen still hanging from my mouth. I said "grrrrrrrrr"....as tough as I could for a little 5 month old kitten. Mom was bleeding, I was grrrring, and then mom and dad started laughing. Mom had to pry open my jaws of steel to release the birdie. I was not happy.
Apparently the birdie was almost the same size as me.
Cory you made the Woman laugh! That is a great story!!!
Well, we have always thought that "game hens" were invited to play with!
Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Cory that story is excellent! What a clever kitten you were!
Cory your repetoire of fuud thievery is a wonder to behold. I am particularly impressed with the theft of the 1/2 chicken, especially that you kept it in your mouth when your Dad so rudely pulled you out from under the futon. You won that prize fair and square.
Cory we can all learn from you.
Whicky Wuudler
Oh, that's funneh!!! You are indeed very passionate about chick-hen, Cory!
We don't really have any interest in hoomin food, but the Cat Who Came Before LUFFED to stick her paw in a sweet drink and lick it off. Drinks had to be watched very carefully around her!
Wow Cory, I'd say you take the cake and it would probably be true!
That is a great story Cory!! You were always a little firecracker!!!!! Missed you all this summer!
Purrs Goldie
Great story, Cory!
Chilli just attacked mom's breakfast buns.
Cory...you musta really wanted that chick-hen! We can't believe that your mom and dad hadta fight you for it!! Haha!
What a wonderful story. We remember reading it when you last posted it, it is one of the funniest posts we've read. We can just imagine your little face! Hahahah!
Cory, you precious little thief! We can imagine how cute you were running around with half a hen in your mouth! That was a very bold move!
Oh Cory ~ we just adored your kitten story. We larfed and larfed ~ we could just imagine yoo with a huge birdie in your mouth and determined NOT to give it up. That musta been so CUTE to see!
Milo and Alfie xx
You are one clever little imp.But I bet you get away with lots just by flashing that sweet face at your beans..
Hugs GJ xx
You're a smart girl! Did you become a vegetarian right after the game hen incident??
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
"Way to go Cory" I love it...lol
Cory, you and I have chicken and cheese in common, but I never stolen any because Mom always gives me a bite or three! I would love to have seen that baby Cory kitty with half a hen in your mouth!
Whitey xo
Oh Cory, the Cornish game hen caper must be a wonderful and delicious memory!
Cory that is a great story! I can just see you with that hen in your mouth (and it is extra easy for me, because even though you are a girl you look a lot like Floyd - who also did some crazy food stuff - so I bet you look like he did at that age!) But stealing cheese from your mom - well, that is just hilarious!
Oh Cory, that chicken story is too funny!!!
Have you seen the quilt we are raffling off to help needy kitties? If you haven't, come over and check it out!
Oh, my heavens. You really are a food snatcher. I mean that in the kindest of ways.
Cory, that made us all laugh. That award must have been made for you.
That was a pawsome story!! It made Mom laff and laff!!!!!!!!! It proves you really deserve that award! heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
PeeEss: It's cool you went to Moe & Mindy's blog :) You even saw our Mom at Peggy's Cove,cool!!
Hahahahaha! That hen story is too funny. Your beans should've let you keep it, you worked hard for it, dangit! If your mom could laugh, she obviously wasn't hurt too much.
*Whew* We're still laffing...
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
That has us both cheering over here! Our heroine!
LOL!! That is such a funny story!!
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