Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday Thoughts

I was thinking about things the other day. Momma and I sit here, me in my mom's lap and momma on the desk while mom helps with my blog. Sometimes I end up surfing the Internet looking for fun things when mom starts to slack. I found this cool website where humans attach a camera to kitties collars to see where the cats go and see what the cats see. It's called Cat Cam. I was thinking that it might be kind of cool, but I don't go anywhere, my momma doesn't go anywhere, Nigel doesn't go anywhere and I can see most of what Cecilia, Jonesie, Madison, Ginger and Bennette do outside through the window. They kind of bore me.

Then I thought some more. It's my mom that disappears in the morning and doesn't come back until night. It's my mom that doesn't tell me where she is going and I can't often see her through the window. Where the heck does my mom go? Then I thought "Mom Cam" would be a much more useful thing than Cat Cam.

So I rigged her up with a collar and a little camera...no telling what we'll discover. Stay tuned... come back on Friday.


Shaggy and Scout said...

We totally think you have something there with the Mom Cam!!! Looking forward to what you uncover...ummm...not literally of course.

Anonymous said...

Uhm,iz it legal ta collar yer momma and track her. Did youz ask furst?

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

This should be an interesting experiment. The idea is great.

Cliff and Olivia said...

The Cat Cam is a great invention. But a Mom Cam is even better. What a great idea! We definitely will stay tuned.

P.s. We're thinking of getting one for the Man.

Forever Foster said...

We are intrigued! This sounds like a very good study, Cory.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

What a hugely interesting idea, Cory! We can't wait to see what this will yield!

BooBoo said...

That is a good idea. I always wonder where humans go when they leave.

The Island Cats said...

This is gonna be fun! Maybe our mom goes where our mom goes too! We can't wait to see!

The Creek Cats said...

Mom cam is a great idea! We need to get one for our mom too! Only Maggie May knows where mom goes Monday-Friday cause she used to go with her when she was in recovery from surgery.

We are very interested to find out what you guys discover!

Anonymous said...

Cory, we can't wait to see the results of your mom-cam. How exciting iz that? Snoopervising your mom in her absence!

Milo and Alfie xxxxx ::smooches::

CCL Wendy said...

Good thinking Cory! You'd make a good P.I. (Purrivate Investicator). Can't wait to see what is captured on your MOM-CAM!

The Florida Furkids said...

What a great idea! We think a Mom Cam would be super!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

ZOOLATRY said...

This is certain to be an enlightening event...
we shall see, we shall see.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

An interesting idea. This way we can see where your human goes. I may have to try it with mine...

Daisy said...

We thought of getting a cat cam, too, but I only ever wander around the house. Nowhere interesting! But I would like to see pictures from a mom cam!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Quite interesing, not sure I would like that around my neck though.

Hugs GJ xx

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Sounds furry exciting!! I'd do that here but the PM hardly leaves! She does head into the city often...

Anonymous said...

We see Mom cam all the times, as she never goes anywhere without her camera. Seeing your Mom Cam will be a wonderful change of pace!

Cat with a Garden said...

That's a ginormously clever idea! We can't wait to see what you found out.

Reese =^..^= said...

I vote for the Mommy cam too!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That sounds like a good idea Cory! We can't wait to see what she sees!

Motor Home Cats said...

That sounds like an excellent idea. We can't wait to see what you find out about where she goes. Maybe it will give us some insight into what our Mom does when she disappears.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Jasmim said...

Cory you are very helpful to help your mother! This is very good ^^

Jas & Gi

Quill and Greyson said...

This is PURE brilliance! I want a Momcam too!! Where does she go?

Tuck said...

Cory, you are brillant!! I want a mom cam!!

Flamincatdesigns said...

Hmm, should I put a cat cam on Kali and it would show her view beating up Simba or should I put the camera on Simba and get the perspective of the him getting beaten up by Kali?