Monday, May 11, 2009

Man Cat Monday

Since I've been in the house I've been happy and I haven't even tried to go outside. And yet, something has been bothering me. The Black and White menace...he lurks...
Now that I'm not out there to defend my turf, he's moving in. Jonesie and Madison and Cecilia aren't chasing him off like they should. I don't want him coming around. He used to try and chase me off of my food bowl when I was homeless and I DO NOT LIKE HIM. Not one little bit.

He thinks he's sneaky, but I can see him hiding behind the daisy patch. He snuck in to the shop one night with Cecilia and Madison and got locked in overnight. He ran out when discovered in the morning...even though mom and dad laughed, I was not amused.

That's right mister...take your bod out of MY yard. I may only be looking at you from the window, but I know you're there.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think it's awful that he is in your yard. How rude. Maybe he'll go away soon?

Anonymous said...

Ya gotta be sorryz fur a kittie dat isn't in da house yike youz. Kittiez who iz outside don't live as long as inside kitties. You haz a 'bean who tinkies youz iz 'portant an' ♥'s you a lot.

Shelly said...

Nigel, I understand that you don't want him around....especially since he used to keep you from eating. But you gotta think of it this way.....he's probably looking for a home just like you were. I kinda feel sorry for him.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nigel,

We don't like it that he chased you either, and stoled your food - but we also feel a bit sorry for him. Has he got a home? Maybe you could be friends eventually.

Milo and Alfie xx

Anonymous said...

Dear Nigel, I feel your frustration. Intruders are a menace to the peace and tranquility of a Mancat's home. Mom only lets us out for a while in the morning and a while when she gets home from work. That leaves many, many hours for intruders to invade.


Pinky Ash and Boo said...

We hope the menace goes away soon.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We kinda feel sorry for him too Nigel. We thinks he needs a home. ~S,S, C & F

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh I know you dont like him, but maybe he needs a litle love to.

Hugs GJ xx

Forever Foster said...

Suey has befriended an intruder too. She calls him Cricket. I call him the sneaky evil monster!
P.S. Your coat is looking lovely and lush, Nigel:)

The Island Cats said...

Hey who is that guy? We hope you never get out again, Nigel, cuz that cat would be toast!

Parker said...

I kinda feel bad for him. Does he have a place to live?

The Creek Cats said...

We don't like Introoder kitties either, Nigel!!

Thanks so much for your donation!!!

CCL Wendy said...

Nigel, it must be hard to defend your territory when you're inside all the time, and you have to depend on your furblings to do it fur you. Maybe the intruder really doesn't mean any harm, though -- after all it didn't upset your purrents! Open your heart, Nigel, and let him in.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

But imagine, Nigel... what if he feels like you felt when you were outside looking in?

Tuck said...

I don't know Nigel, maybe he is hungry? Just remember that you are inside with a nice family and a bottomless food bowl and he is on the outside looking for any food and affection he can find...

BooBoo said...

Hey I have the same problem at my house. There is a calico cat that comes and stalks my bird feeder. It is for my enjoyment not hers. But she keeps coming over.

Noll's Nip said...

We don't like strangers coming around in our yard either!

Cliff and Olivia said...

He should learn some manners! It's your yard after all.

Beautiful picture of you, Nigel.

Cat with a Garden said...

Nigel, I fully understand what you're saying! Maybe he secretly admires you and therefore seeks to be close?

Elin said...

I'm facing a same problem too..
Have a nice day!


Reese =^..^= said...

I feels a little sorry for hims. I didn't like that he was mean to you though. He must have issues.

Daisy said...

Nigel, you sure are looking floofy and handsome! I think it would be okay to have a little visitor, as long as he learns to mind his manners.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We know it is hard Nigel, but you have to learn to share the space. He may need a loving home like you now have.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Do you want me to come over and speak to him? I could show him some muscle? You just say when...

Purrs Goldie

Sweet Purrfections said...

Nigel, I understand your feelings, but remember you were once outside wanting a forever home, too.

The Florida Furkids said...

Maybe he'll find a nice forever home too. We'll send a lot of purrs to him.

Thanks for all of your purrs and purrayers for our Daddy. We really appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Motor Home Cats said...

Nigel, we are glad to know that you are loving your indoor life. Maybe the black and white menace is looking to find a good forever home too?

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Quill and Greyson said...

You tell him Nigel.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Oh dear, just like the momma cat we have hanging around here.