Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday Ellie and Cory's Rules

Given the events of the past week with our mom crashing big time on her bike, we are implementing some new rules around here.

Rule #1- Mom, until you are completely healed up, the bike bags, booties and stuff stay under lock and paw. Don't even think of taking it out from under me.

Don't even think about it Rule #2- Any activity will remain under the strict supervision of either Cory or Ellie.

Hey, your leg isn't broken, get back to work Rule # 3- Mom, you aren't doing anything until you pass our cat-scan.

Watch out Jillian, there's a new trainer in town Rule #4- All workouts will be led by Cory. Any equipment used must be inspected and sniffed thoroughly.
Even a bike to nowhere will get you there Rule #5- The only bike mom can use is the bike to nowhere. Mom, we know you entered the Tour de Cure 100 mile bike race to raise money for diabetes in July...just follow our rules and you'll be ok.
Rule #6- The electric heating pad must be shared with Cory and Ellie. Everyone else can buzz off.

Any questions?


PDX pride said...

You two are doing a great job of supervising your mommy's activities! Keep it up, and you'll have her healthy and ready to ride by the time of her big race. Just don't let her overdo it until then.

Cory, you tell her, girl! Ellie, that looks like a comfy place to nap while you are protecting it.

Cliff and Olivia said...

Very sensible rules.

The heating pad sounds interesting - we'd like to hear more about that, just in case we want one.

Cat with a Garden said...

If your mom follows those rules she'll be okay in no time. How lucky she is to have you two!

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Good rules to keep Mom safe. Enjoy that heating pad.

Parker said...

Those are most excellent rules!

Forever Foster said...

With the two of you on the job, we think your mum will be safe and sound. Good work, ladies:)

Tuck said...

It is so nice of you to keep your mom safe! The humans need all the help they can get!

The Creek Cats said...

Way to keep your momma in line! How great of your mom to ride to raise money!

Zeus said...

Good thinking, you two. It's important to keep a close eye on your pet after an accident; otherwise, it's prone to happen to again.

Jasmim said...

Hahahah! I love their rules, ;P
I hope your mother improves soon, Take good care of her.

Jas & Gi

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Those are very smart rules for your human.

The Island Cats said...

Wow! With you two in control, your mom is going to have no choice but to follow those rules!!!

PDX pride said...

Oh, forgot to mention, take care when using the heating pad. Don't stay on it too long, or you might get burned. It's made for the humans, not for us kitties.

The Florida Furkids said...

Those are really good rules. Did we mention that Ellie rules here too?

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Thank Heavens your mom has you cats. Really, she'd be lost without you!!


Anonymous said...

Thems rules are furry good ones and we hope she complies wif dem right away!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Ellie and Cory, your rules to keep your Mom under your paws are excellent, and we know she will heed your wishes completely!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Pee ess ... Momma cracked up at the song!!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

So sorry to hear that your mom had a bad bicycle spill. You kitties keep her under control, okay?

Quill and Greyson said...

You're very stern looking there Cory!!

Elin said...

Cat rules rock! I always inspect my humans bag whenever they will go for an outstation~


Cat with a Garden said...

You know what? Mom feel with the bike AGAIN yesterday! The second time in two months, is she silly or what? We are going to apply some of your rules now!!!
Siena & Chilli

Anonymous said...

It's great that you're looking out for your Mom. And testing out the heat pad for her to be sure it's working proply!