Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday Is Not a Funday

Time for a family conference!
Did you hear the news?  Mom has to go away for a few days and Dad is in charge!  That means no visiting furriends!  Do you think he'll remember to feed us, leave socks out, scoop?
Uh oh!
Whatever he does, I'll be gossiping about it next week!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Why does your Momma have to go away? Is she getting a meezer?! Will he stay with you forever?

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You poor darlings! How perfectly awful! Be strong!

Jacqueline said...

Sorry your Mom had to go away, but we're sure your Dad will do a great job taking care of you guys...Ginger, you are a silly girl, but we're looking forward to the gossip!!hehe...Happy week friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Certainly Dad loves you dearly too and will take excellent care of you. But it never hurts to look pitiful before Mom leaves, and when she comes back.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Oohhhh... well you might be able to get extra treats, our daddy gives us extra when Rumblemum is away...

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Not that I have one, but isn't dad usually the indulgent one? Will miss you. Hope mom comes back soon.

Summer at said...

I certainly hope he is more responsible than the male human here - he forgets to keep an eye on me while I'm eating, and lets Binga steal my food! And he spends more time complaining about my litter box than he does scooping.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Oh no! We will miss yoo. We hope yoor dad is up to muster wiv scooping, and treats etc.

Ellen Whyte said...

Oh boy! Now it's time to train the Man. Meow at him until he gets it right, even if it means wakening him at 2AM, 3Am, 4Am. He won't mind - he needs the lessons!

The Florida Furkids said...

Oh Noes! At least you have your Dad, our Mom and Dad both left us!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Brian's Home Blog said...

I know he will take good care of you or we will all come to your rescue!

The Creek Cats said...

So sorry you mom has to go away because we know you'll miss her. But, we're sure your daddy will do a great job of looking after you!

Kea said...

Uh oh! It's never good when moms have to go away! We're glad it's only for a few days, though. We hope she has a safe trip.

Cat said...

Hey you guys...good luck training your Mom will be back soon and you'll get extra lovins'...look foward to that!! Nevertheless, we're sending you lots of purrs, Lautrec and Tiny

Anonymous said...

We hope you get along fine with your dad. We hope he doesn't forget to do that stuff either. We have an award for you today!

The Monkeys said...

We will miss you guys but we're sure your Dad is up to the task!

Daisy said...

Oh noes! Dads never know how to do things just right, the way moms do.

Teddy Westlife said...

Has your mum left dad a list so he doesn't forget anything?

The Whiskeratti said...

Oh guys, that's not good. The Mom being gone... the Dad doesn't always know how to do things properly.

Angel Simba said...

Sometimes Dads actually are better spoilers than Moms. Let's hope.

Katnip Lounge said...

We hope your Daddy is up to waiting on all ya'll paw and paw!

Cory, we could send you a sock if he you like white or colored boot socks to sing to?

Anonymous said...

uh-oh. i hear daddehs do not generally know how to take care of kitteh stuff quite as well as mommehs. you all will be missed this week, until your mommeh gets back to help you blog!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh no! It's always bad news when the mum goes away.Our dad is good at giving extra treats, but not so good at scooping. He always leaves bits behind. We hope you can train your dad well.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh no the dad is in charge! That always means things will be forgotten. The good thing is that a lot of the time the dad is a pushover when it comes to giving out treats - we hope it ends up that way for you!

JC said...

Sit on him and yell if he forgets to feed you. Better yet sleep on his head or swat at him in the mornings ...

Purrfect Haven said...

well you never know....have a lovely trip (Mom) and run rings around him kits! Love Darcy and Bingley xx

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We hate it when our Meowm goes away too!!! We hope you are taken proper care of!


It's nefur a good fing when the Mom purrson goes away....


Raymond and Busby said...

Yes, the socks! What about the socks?!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I know how you feel my friends. I am sure your dad will feed you though.. Hugs GJ xx

Mickey's Musings said...

What?? Your Mom is going away??? She is as bad as our Mom,heehee
We're not sure how your Dad will do(probably good) but we think you can count on the socks ;)

Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Cory Clark said...

Cory, we'd be worried too!! But here's a hint - just do what Jay does to our Mom when it's time to eat: First start about an hour or so before the humans get up & just walk all over your Dad while he's sleeping - not enough so that he'll wake up, but it rouses the humans up gently... sort of. Then leave the room. Next, about 15 min later - walk around the perimeter of the bed, crying. (Doesn't have to be loud, Jay sounds like a bird!) Alternate between the two of those every 15 minutes - we GUARANTEE he will remember to feed the kitties when it's time to get up!!!

Good Luck!

~Nico & JayJay :)

(ps. We knew your name was the same as our Mom's - we took it as a good sign that you were the one who introduced us to the CB!!)

Me said...

oooooo - we can't wait to hear some juicy gossip. i bet your dad will takez good care of you tho. otherwise your mommy would be mad.
if he doesn't remember stuff, just be sure to MEOW real loud and nom nom his toes!!

Just Ducky said...

The Dad better not forget to feed you.

Quill and Greyson said...

I'm sure you will all be able to remind him!! Right? Mom!