This is a super busy time of year. Today I should be giving up my post in honor of all the celebrations going on in my house, but mom said to carry on. It's my mom's birthday. It's Ginger's gotcha "Birthday". It's
Bennettes gotcha "Birthday". It's the first anniversary of Grete's elbow surgery. Whew! It was one year ago today that Grete went in for her surgery. She had to spend the night. Mom was upset that Grete wasn't there on her birthday. When mom and dad were having dinner, there was a knock at the door.
Bam bam bam on the screen. Dad got up to answer the door and when he opened it,
Bennette was standing there
whapping the screen door. He opened the door and she walked right in. Mom said it's the best birthday gift she's ever received.

So, meanwhile, back in the garden, we have been harvesting a bunch of my prize peppers. I also discovered that the basket works well for sharpening your claws.

I helped pick eggplant, corn and little baby onions. Mom cooked it all up with other things we picked, like tomatoes. She made a marinara and she roasted the eggplant with the peppers.

I would have preferred a bit of meat, but then again, I'm not a

Here's a picture of the birthday girls on the deck. Ginger lounging and
Bennette doing her typical balancing act.
We are going to take a couple of days off from the blog to celebrate and then we will be back with pictures of the celebration when we return on Sunday!
Happy birthday to the mom! And happy gotcha day to Ginger and Bennette! And we think happy surgery anniversary to Grete? Today's a triple birthday at our house (post isn't up yet). :D
You look great with your peppers and other garden stuff and the final results look amazing.
Enjoy your time off, kitties!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Oh I was almost first! Well there is so much to be happy about! Concats to all of you! Must have been a good day for surgery a year ago!
Happy Birthdays and Gotchas all around. Love the Bennette story!
Happy Birthday to Mom from Mom!
Happy Birthday you guys!!! I think this calls for hams around.
It's our first time visiting, but we wanted to add our wishes for your "Happy Gotcha Day"
Oh happy days!
Happy birthday to your mom!
Happy Gotcha Day to Bennette and Ginger!
A big yay to Grete for being all healthy and happy!
The meal your mom created looks endlessly yummy. Enjoy all the celebrations.
WOW! Thee is such a lot happening at yoor house: so Happy birthday to yoor mom! And happy gotcha day to Ginger and Bennette! And a happy surgery anniversary to Grete! Phew ~ thatsa lotta happy!
We hope yoo all have a really nice break and we can't wait to see the pics.
Love Alfie Marshall xx
♥HAPPY PURR-THDAY LADIES♥ You don't look a day over 8 weeks!
Wow you sure have a lot going on! Happy Birthday to your Mom and happy Gotcha Day to Ginger and Bennette. Happy anniversary to Grete too. Those foods look yummy!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Such a happy time at your home!
Enjoy your celebrations and have some 'nip for me!
Wow! So much to celebrate! Happy Gotcha Day to Ginger and Bennette! We hope you have a great day!! And YAY! to Grete for making it through the first year after your surgery!!! And Happy Birthday to your mom!! What a birthday she has had in the past!!
And Jonesie, that is quite a bounty you harvested there!!! And that food looks yummy...even if it has no meat in it!!
My goodness, so much going on! Happys to everyone!
Happy Birthday to your mom! Happy Gotcha Birthday to Bennette and Ginger! And Congratulations to Grete! We hope you have a wonderful celebration.
Happy Gotcha Birthdays to Ginger and Bennette!
Happy Anniversary of elbow surgery to Grete!!
Happy Purrthday to your mom!!!
Wow, lots of wonderful things to celebrate!
Have a great day, furiends!
Happy Birthday to your Mum!
Happy Gotcha Day to Bennette!
Happy Gotcha Day to Ginger!
Happy Elbow Day to Grete!
Hip hip! HOORAY!
Happy Birthday to your Mom! And happy birthday/gotcha days to Ginger and Bennette!
We love the story of how Bennette came to you guys. That's definitely a wonderful birthday present!
Have fun with your days off!
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday and Birthday Gotchas!
Bennette, what a wonderful surprise gift you were for your mama last year! I guess you knew where you belonged so you just made sure they knew it, too! LOL! What a character!
And speaking of characters, Ginger can't be any funnier than she already is. I love seeing her roll around in the garden. Is there any homegrown nip to be had, purrhaps?
And Jonesie does a speCATular job in the garden, as always. Your mama sure does cook up some yummy looking stuff with all that homegrown produce!
With all of that, you should all have a marvelous birthday celebration! And yes, you deserve some time off to celebrate. Get down and partay!!! (Of course, we know Ginger is all about getting down!)
happy Gotcha day! Those veggies look wonderful...what time is dinner?
Happy Birthday Mom, Gotcha day to Bennette and Ginger and happy healing to Grete! Have fun celebrating!!!!
Happy Birthday to yer Mom, Happy Gotcha Day to Bennette and Ginger AND Grete Happy Elbow Anniversary surgery day!
YAY Lets all celebrate now! Fresh nip is ready to go!!!
Happy Celebrations to all at your place. What a busy home you have. All of the food looks great. Hope to get a taste of all the good food.
Party on!
Happy Birthday to the Mum!
Happy Gotcha Day to Bennette!
Happy Gotcha Day to Ginger!
Happy Mended Elbow Day to Grete!
Happy Claw Sharpenings to Jonesie!
Happy! Happy! Happy!
Whicky Wuudler
Wow Jonesie!!! So much exciting things to celebrate at your house. All those great vegetables! A new scratching post (of sorts)!
Happy Purrthday to your Mom. Happy Gotcha Day to Ginger and Bennette.
We are very glad that Grete's elbow got fixed up.
Happy Birthday to your mom!
Happy Birthday to Bennette!
Happy Gotcha Day to Ginger!
Those vegetables looked very very tasty!
Wow thats an awful lot of Happy Birthdays .. I hope the celebrations go fabulously well.. HAPPY BIRTHDAYS AND GOTCA DAYS.. Hugs GJ xx
Happy Gotcha Day Bennette and Ginger, and happy purrfday to your mum. Happy surgery anniversary to Grete too. Phew! We think we got everyone.
How wonderful to see all of this celebrating! ENJOY!!!
What a great lot to celebrate! Happy Birthday, Gotcha Day and ??Surgery Recovery Day?? it sounds weird but you get our intention, right? Wishing you a fantastic day.
WE are late but we want to say Happy Gotcha days, Birthday and recovery day to everyone!
And it looks like you had a great harvest Jonesie - boy those are colorful peppers considering that someone who shall remain nameless was saying they wouldn't change colors!
P.S. Stop by our blog, we are having a giveaway with toys!
Nice to meetcha, and thanks for being a gollower and visting my blog.
Sorry, follower, not gollower!
Happy Birthday to your Mom and Happy Gotcha Day and surgery day! Wow!
Oh, look, foods!
Oh goodness! So many birthdays and gotcha days and surgery days! Happy everything to your Mom, and Ginger and Bennette and Grete!
You guys have really cool looking veggies! Our peppers never turn out so pretty. They are kinda long and weird shaped, but it might be the heat in Texassss.
Luf, Us
Iz doze foodz good??? I can'ts standz it Cory!!!! I yam on my way oevfur dere.
Love, Dr T
What a fun filled day you had there!!!!!!
We love your new graphic and sig, Jonesie!!! Such a big helper!!
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