Well, we were all excited about the package that came in the mail. It came at a great time of celebration, but mom said it had to do with something else...the Hams of the
Werld Tour!!!! Yes, the nip piggies we ordered finally arrived thanks to
Victor and Nina and their mom! We ripped into them before we opened the presents mom got us. First off, I shared a little kiss with Cory, just because I wanted to.

I studied the piggies before I gave them a good

Cory picked them up in her mouth and carried one away. We were very sensitive to the fact that Ginger slept through roast chicken dinner last night. We made sure when we got leftovers she was first in line. We made sure she had 2 piggies to herself. Mom said she had another special treat for her.

Mom is taking a
photoshop class. She is doing simple things like playing with the colors on our tags, but she learned how to do a bit more this past weekend. Ginger is the first to get the glam shot. Mom is not exactly a quick study if you know what I mean, but we are excited about the possibilities.
You are so lucky to already have your ham!
Thats a super package.. Enjoy.. I think your mum did good with the photo. I wish my mum could do that.. We can look forward to moe when your mum gets going.. Hugs GJ xx
I got my piggies, too! Aren't they great?
We are very impressed wiv the glam shot - and will be watching your space for more super pics.
The piggies are FUN!
Milo and Alfie xx
Those piggies are such a sweet idea. Mom never took a Photoshop class so it takes her ages when she wants to do something with our pictures.
Your piggies look like they will be a lot of fun! Ginger looks very glamorous in her glamour shot. Our mum is not very good on Photoshop at all! It takes her hours and hours to get the most basic thing done.
Ham! Oh boy, those piggies look delishus!
Your mom is doing great with that photoshop class! Our mom should really take one herself!
Her glam shot is very...glamorous!
Wow! Nip pigs...what will they think of next? We haven't gotten ours yet...
And our mom sez she needs to take a photoshop class too...we love Ginger's glam shot!
That is a great way to remember your ham tour!
Those piggies look like lots of fun!
Nice to get things in the mail. Looks like you could have lots of fun with those piggies.
Photo shop classes huh. I should have the mom sign up, she needs a lot of help on that stuff.
Oh boy! I's glad you like da piggies! I hope Ginger enjoys dem. Our mom don't efun GOT Photoshop. Dad's sposed to get it fur school, but der hasn't bin enuf green papers fur it yet.
I cannot wait until my piggies arrive!
Wow those are great looking piggies! I bet they were a ton of fun!
And your mom did a great job with Ginger's glamor shot - it sounds like a fun class!
Cute piggies! My mom wants to learn more about Photoshop, too!
Awww dem is koot piggies we can't wait to git ours! Don't feels bad...our Momma doesn't knoo much bout fixin our pixchurs ... she tries wif different stuff on da web but she's not furry gud wif it.
The portrait looks very promising!!
Pigs and pixels; sounds like a great time. Love the fuzzy edges on that picture, very glamorous!
Oh, we haven't got our piggies yet, we hope they come soon! Our Mommy can't do a whole lot with our photos either, she's not that smart. But she's got a good heart so maybe that counts for something. ;) It was nice of y'all to be so sensitive of Ginger!
purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
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