Saturday, September 26, 2009

Saturday Family Day

What a whirlwind adventure! I was traveling across country to Sweet Praline's slumber party and mom was traveling to a conference. Now we are all back home again and we will be snoozing the day away. Together. Finally.


Reese =^..^= said...

Oooh! I so enjoyed our visit. It was fun to dish the dirt with you. We will have to do it again real soon. Always good to see you, dear friend.

Anonymous said...

It's fun going travelling ~ but it's nicer to get back home! Enjoy your day!

Milo and Alfie xx

Cat with a Garden said...

Being reunited is the best thing. Enjoy your cuddles.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

How lucky that you get to snooze. We wish we got to snooze but it is way too noisy around here. Our neighbor is listening to music but Momma is really mad because it started about 2:15 AM.

Parker said...

Hooray for family days!!!

CCL Wendy said...

I'll bet you had a better time at your party than Mom did at her conference! I just hope you behaved yourself, Cory, and didn't steal any vegetables.

The Island Cats said...

It has been a busy week! We had fun with you at Praline's party...funny...there wasn't much slumbering going on...

The Florida Furkids said...

Have a good nap! That party was pawsome, wasn't it?

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Quill and Greyson said...


Forever Foster said...

It is lovely relaxing together when you've had a busy time apart. Enjoy it!:)

The Monkeys said...

Have a great day relaxing! We had fun at the party but we were hoping to hear some gossip from Ginger!

Jasmim said...

Enjoy your Saturday!

Anonymous said...

Yoo look furry comfy dere. We is glad yoo all is back together relaxin.