Cory and Ellie: Oh the Wells Fargo Wagon is a comin' down the street, oh please let it be for me!
Cory: Maybe it's the Hepper Pod we've been asking for?
Ellie: Yes baby girl, maybe it is! This is so exciting!

Cory: Uh...I'm not so sure about this...

Ellie: Maybe it's an extra special version of the Hepper Pod...

Cory: Uh, momma, I don't have a good feeling about this.

Cory: Well, maybe it's ok, there is a blankie and a toy in there now. I still don't want to get in there.

Ellie: What the ??? This isn't funny anymore. Let me outa here! Give me the phone! Call the ASPCA! Call my attorney!

Ellie: So not funny dad. Your feet will never feel safe again...

Ellie: Revenge will be sweet.....
I would never again get in there after that!!!
Mebbe it's a fruit bowl and not a cat bed?
Is that a BBQ or a fire pit??!! It really sort of looks like a flying saucer.
yes, what is that? we are confused...
Oh, we didn't know fire pits. They look, ehem, fun?
We sure hope our beans don't get one of them!
Oh how unfaor ~ get them feet!
Milo and Alfie xx
We think you might want to stay VERY far away from that!! Did you bite him hard???
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Revenge is the best part! Muahahahaha!
It's some kind of spaceship?
Awwwww, no pod, just pit...
It looked likes lots of fun, until the screen went on. We've been asking for a hepper pod too. They look like so much fun!
Ellie, that was so mean! We hope you get him back good!!
pee ess. We've never heard of the Wells Fargo wagon before...
pee pee ess. We had fun at the party yesterday! Cory, we hope your head is better!
That looks like it was pretty scary at the end! Humans have a terrible sense of humor!
How RUDE!!!
whoa, that was horrible!!
Cory, is you feeling ok today after the party? we's sorry!
Teasing you that way was a little bit rude, Ellie and Cory! But it is a very kyoot Firepit!
That looks like a great firepit but it also looks like it would make a great kitty bed with a blanket and pillow in there - just no cover and of course no fire.
Oh, rats! For a second, I thought it was a new sort of Hepper Pod!
"Oh My" Ellie are you okay what is it a kitty jail.
Ellie, you better bitey those feet real good. Maybe poop on his pillow. And other bad things. He deserves it.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Well, it looked like it would be a suitable bed till that cage got put on it! The nerve of beans!!!!!
Oh Ellie
How could Dad do that to you?
Uhm, you tell you's dadda that you are not fur nibblin' on after a BBQ!
After a nasty trick like that, tell the beans that they no longer have a fire pit. They have a kitty bed!
I don't think its a pod ladies.
Yeah, when the kitties expect something good ta arrive, and it arrives and it aint fer us, yer ankles get bited!
Pee in his shoes! What a wicked trick to play on a nice cat. We didn't laugh, honest!
Um no, we don't think that's a Hepper pod.
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