After all the horrible heat of last week it's time to get back out in the garden again. The green beans are starting to make an appearance!
Ginger likes hanging out with the eggplants because the plants are pretty. She thinks sitting and watching them grow is helpful. As long as she stays out of my way I'm good with it.
When you are a garden cat, it's important to snoopervise the harvest of the veggies. I would not like it if all my hard work all year resulted in no veggies. I help point out which ones are ready for picking. You can do this by headbutting food within reach. If out of reach you can sit below it and meow knowingly.
Yes, mom got some good ones.
To be extra sure you can put your paw on it to test for firmness. It's really important to keep claws in so you don't put holes in the pretty eggplants. Don't you like the way the purple goes with my grey and white furs? Color coordinating with your veggies is not necessary but it's a bonus.
It turns out that my banishment from the garden due to extreme heat turned out well for me. I had to do a bit of office work anyway. My friend and garden-cat-in-training, Alfie Marshall, needed me to interview his brofur Milo for his open position as a garden cat assistant. Milo charmed me with his answers and I think there is a perfect job for him, working with Alfie! Go visit them and see how it's working out.

Yes last week it was a bit too warm for gardening! I am glad you are back and what lovely eggplant has been harvested!
You are doing well Jonesie! I am a hopeless garden cat, even though I have a garden, I just laze around and watch the birdies.
Hi Jonesie, I'm just reporting in to tell yoo my gardening post is up.
Thank yoo for helping me wiv the interview questions for Milo ~ I hadta give him his job back in the end 'cos there was no ovver applicants.
I like the idea of colour coordinating veggies ~ we could grow black currants for Milo! Tee hee!
Love Alfie Marshall xx (Jonesie's protegee)
I just love your gardening tips. You sure do know your way around an eggplant!
You've done well this year, Jonesie...you're gonna have a bumper crop!
Maybe Ginger could be your garden assistant???
You did a great job with your garden - those eggplants look wonderful!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We like to help our Grampy in the garden, too, but he did not plant one this year because they went "up Nawth" for two months.
Mom loves Eggplant! We think the purple-y color is great gor gray furs, Jonesie!
Yes, Jonesie, those eggplants look quite lovely against your fur!
Every week we are more and more impressed with your Gardening abilities. Well done, Jonesie:)
Jonesie, your eggplants are soooo pretty and you are right, the do coordinate with your pretty furrs so well! And we are glad that it isn't so warm anymore so that you can garden again!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Look at the eggplant!
Jonesie you are such a good gardner! And the eggplants do go well with your fur! I was at Alfie and Milo's blog - Alfie is really learning a lot from you!
Jonesie you are such a great gardener!!!!! We love reading about your excursions to the garden and all your helpful hints.
Jonesie, you did a great job growing those beautiful eggplants!
Jonesie, all those veggies look so great! You do a pawsome job!
You are a very good snooperviser.
The garden is looking good..
Hugs GJ xx
Hey Jonsie,you are a super garden cat and now you have a pupil!!! Pawsome !!!!!!!!
We love how you test the veggies for your Mom :)
Great job !!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
What a bountiful harvest you are getting! *purrs*
While we quite honestly have little interest in growing a garden ourselves (we're wayyyyyy too lazy), we love reading your gardening tips and watching your progress, along of course with that of your protegee (Alfie and Milo are so cute!). You've done a fine job in both cases, Miss Jonesie! You should be proud.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
You have some lovely veggies growing there Jonesie. We have beans in our garden too and we help pick them, but mum says maybe we should let them grow a bit bigger first.
That's are nice looking eggplants! Just be sure to keep them away from Cory!
Eggplants Huh? I was expecting them to look totally different, like eggs. You look great with them though!
Great job, Jonesie. Looks like you picked some good eggplants!
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