The camera loves me...

And I love the camera...

My sister
Jonesie was watching me while I was modeling for this photo shoot. She got all jealous and then she stalked me and chased me! Can you believe that? I deserve better. I mean she doesn't have to pick on me just because I'm beautiful. You'd think my mom would have taken pictures of that...prove that precious
Jonesie is really a pest...but no!
Meanwhile, my squirt sister Cory was a bit taken with all this talk of "As the Paw Turns"...and she's been spending too much time looking at the Mancat blogs. We're all trying to figure out who she really likes. Ellie's not talking. I set up a poll to help me get to the bottom of it! Inquiring cats want to know.
You do have it! I guessed Dante because I think he is quite handsome Mancat myself--but Whitey does have personality. It's a tough call...
You are very, very pretty and I think any mancat would be glad to have you as his girlcat! :)xxx
Ginger, that looks like a wonderfully satisfying writhe on the ground. Good luck with your detective work. We'd love to know who Cory has been eyeing!:)
Hi Ging,
We can't wait to here who Cory has her beady eyes on! Tee hee!
Milo and Alfie xx
Oh your belly has Mommy all gooey!
A very successful photo shoot, if we may say son, Ginger!
Yes, Ginger, the camera loves you lots!
We voted for Redfurd in the poll!
You got it, baby!! Jonesie's just jealous!!
You're right - when you've got it...flaunt it!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Ginger you're a beautiful girl!
Hey Cory...I may not be a soap opera star but I'm still floofy! Pick me, pick me!
Ginger, you are a gorgeous floofy girl, you make a great model! Jonesie is just jealous.
We think it's Whitey, 'cuz he'd offset Cory's black furs so well.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Ginger those are great pictures of you! It is too bad Jonesie got jealous of all that attention you were getting! I am curious who it is Corey is looking at too - there are a lot of handsome mancats out there!
Ginger, you are a great poser. I don't see any pictures with your eyes half closed!
Your tummy is so cute =)
Ginger you are one booteefull gurlkitty -- we can't wait to find out who Cory thinks is the cat's meow.
Ginger, you are some luscious womancat! I'm sure the others must be jealous. I will say that you seem to spend a lot of your time belly up -- at least most of the pictures I see of you, you're rolling around. Keep it up girl -- you look good!
Goodness Ginger! You are lovely!!!
Great photoshoot, Ginger! You're beautiful! :)
Oh Ginger you're a rockstar!! Can't wait to vote.
You look just lovely. Don't worry about what everyone says, just do your thing.
Flaunt the Floof!
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