I know that Nigel loves me. I'm just not ready to commit to anything yet. I've had my heart broken so many times I've lost count. First there was Cory's pappa. He was gone long before the kittens were born. He was very handsome as you can see by looking at my beautiful baby Cory.

When I was adopted in May of 2006, my baby Cory and I moved into a house of many mancats. In this picture you can see us all lining up for our stinky goodness food fest. You can see black and white Mikey, and gathered around the plate with Cory you can see Jonathan and Lewis. Getting her plate out of the way of the others is our shy sister Jonesie.

When I saw Jonathan, it was love at first sight. I fell hard. He loved both me and my daughter Cory. For the 8 months we lived together we were seldom apart.

Here is a picture of me, Cory and Jonathan settling in for a nap. Mikey joined us too.

I also loved Lewis. Here is Lewis hanging out with me and Cory. When Jonathan passed away in December of 2006, I was devastated. Lewis helped heal my broken heart.

Lewis loved me, but it was different with him. He liked to dish it, and I was one of the few cats who would take it and dish it back to him. He loved that about me. When he passed away in August of 2008, I was again devastated. I swore I would never love again.

And then comes Nigel. I know he's my type. On paper you would think we were a perfect match, but if I fall in love with him, will he leave me too? Mom says it's probably ok. He's my age, not an older man like Lewis and Jonathan.
It's been a year since my Lewis went to the Bridge. It will be 3 years in December since Jonathan went to the Bridge. I still miss them lots.
I just don't know...
It is difficult to have lost so many and be heartbroken, but perhaps you can trust that Nigel will be with you for awhile?
You deserve to love again.
Miss Ellie, Jonathan and Lewis clearly loved you very much. We are sure they will want you to be happy and keep your heart open.
Don't deprive yourself of the love of a beautiful mancat. You deserve all the luv in the world!
We enjoyed reading the post. Did the fear of heights come after the parachute jump?
Whoops! Sorry the above comment was put on the wrong blog. Mom is having a silly day!
Go for it, love is impawtant!!
I think you can take a chance. You will always remember your loves but a new one can help...
Hugs GJ x
We think you should give Nigel a chance. You both deserve love!!
We're laughing at milocat's first post. We were sooo confused!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We think you should go for it. Nigel is young and you have plenty of years ahead of you.
We thinks it is better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all. We thinks you should go for it. ~S,S,C & F
Ellie, having your heart broken so many times must have been so hard, but you must open your heart again. We think Nigel will make you a very happy ladycat!
We think Nigel looks a little like Jonathan...maybe Jonathan sent Nigel your way, Ellie, so you could love again! Go for it!
Oh Ellie, I'm so sorry to hear about your heartbreaking losses! You've really had a difficult love life. However, if you don't take a chance, you will nefur find true love.
Nigel seems like the purrfect suitor -- and he's so handsome, too! Go for it, girl!
Whitey thinks that you have to love the ones you are with while they are with you. One never knows when they will have to leave, and it iz seldom their choice, Ellie. Love with full abandon!
On thing is certain, Ellie, you know how to love! We think you should let your heart go where it wlil take you!
I think that taking a chance with love is always a good idea! Besides, Nigel is quite a nice and handsome Mancat!
Oh Ellie, that is so sad to read about your hearbreak. I think that you should take a chance with Nigel though - the happiness you will have with him will be worth it. If you don't risk the heartbreak you can't feel the joy.
Those who never dare to love are never loved.
Best of love, Ellie...
If it is meant to be, it will happen. In the meantime, we can't blame Nigel for loving you.
You've had a tough road, Ellie, and we can understand why you're hesitant. We think Nigel would be good for you and that you'd be happy giving your love to him, but if you're not ready, there's no sense rushing it. Let it be until you are. You'll know when it's right.
We hope Nigel can be patient.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Oh Ellie that has been a tough road but it's better to ove and lose then never to love I think.
Awww Ellie you has hads some specials loves and I fink you should lets yourself be loved again mai purrty furriend.
Baby Patches
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