Turns out she crashed. Hard. The ground was slick with slime on a little bridge on a bike path and down she went in a blink. Wham! Dad took her to the V-E-T. Turns out the human V-E-T is much worse than our doctor. Not one person at the office scritched her behind the ears and told her it would be ok. The x-ray guy offered her a chocolate, so I think that's like Grete getting a doggie treat, so that was ok. Grete didn't pass as a service dog so she had to wait in the car. Mom was wearing her helmet so her noggin' is ok. She hurt her shoulder. She doesn't have broken bones, but she hurts a lot and her arm is in a sling. The silly doctor didn't even prescribe her any nip.
Mom types much slower now. She promised us to help us to continue posting, but visiting is taking 3 times as long so she may be a bit haphazard in helping us say hi to our furriends. She said we might do something call "lurking" if her arm hurts to much to help us with the keyboard this next week. 

I am very glad that your mom was wearing a helmet!
I hope that her aches and pains go away very soon.
Falling down is scary.
Oh we are so VERY sorry and we are sending huge rumbly GET WELL SOON purrs for your Mom. be sure and take good care of her.
Your poor Mummy! I hope you're giving her lots of purrs and snuggles to help her get better.
Soooo glad she was wearing her helmet! Lots of hugs and purrrrrrrrayers to her to get well soon!
We are sending super purrs for your mum. That must have been scary. Mum crashed into a gutter once (she is not a very good rider) and she said the world moved in super slow motion until after she was on the ground.
Feel better soon, Ellie's mum!
I hope your Mom gets better soon. That sounds like a terrible fall (thankfully she had the helmet).
You guys give her plenty of purrs and attention so she's better soon
Sending lots of purrs for your Mom! Hope she stops feeling hurty soon!
Your poor mom! We hope she'll recover in no time. The best bit is that nothing is broken as that would have taken a loooong time to heal. Purr away on her and combined with the purrs we are sending she shall be better in no time. And tell her to take it easy with blogging... Or better: take it easy with everything!
We think it is very cool hat she rides her bike!
P.S.: Our mom fell with the bike too and hurt her knee. She was unbearable for some days. Hope yours behaves better. ; )
Poor, poor mom!!!! Good think she had her helmet! You guys purr and snuggle with her, ok?
Just not on the bad, achy side!
Purrs of comfort heading your way!
Purrs, Goldie, Shade and Banshee
oh NOES!! ::gentle hugs:: for your mom!! we hopes she feels better really really soon!
Take care of your mommy ok guys?
Because mommy is a pearl of our heart!
I miss my mom now..she is not in town, now I'm staying with my sister in her hostel..it is very hot & humid *sigh
That sure is bad news!! We sure hope she is OK.
We hope your mom feels better real soon! Did you give her some nip when she got home?? It sure will help, we know!
Oh noes! I'm so sorry your mom got hurted! I hope she starts feeling better soon. And mostly, I hope it doesn't discourage her from riding her bike, because I think it's so cool that she rides it to work.
Sending healing purrs for your mom.
We are sorry dat your Mom had to go to the hooman vet...we all know what Vet trips are like. We are glad she is going to be OK, you guys just keep purring over her and she will be well in no time.
Oh my goodness!!! It had to happen one day, it always does with bikes, I am just very VERY happy that your mommas day was not as bad as it could have been... your poor momma! I thinks she should just lurk for a little while so she can give herself a proper chance to heal :))
lots and lots of purrs to help your momma heal better :)
Mushka, V-V and momma :)))
Omigosh! We'z sending purrs fur yoor mom. Good thing she was wearing da helmutt. Dad calls dem things "brain savers". Give her some nip...dat will help wif da pain and lurking is okay, it will help her heal faster.
Oh no! That does not sound good! Purrs to your Momma.
Sorry to hear about your mom's bicycle accident. Hopefully she's healing well.
We're so sorry that your mommy got a hurty. We hope she gets better very soon.
Aww sorry your Mom got hurt. We are purring for her to get well soon.
Oh no!! I hope your mommy isn't in too much pain. I'm glad that she wasn't hurt too bad. That sounds very scary! I'm purring for her to feel better soon!
Poor Mom!! Oh I hope she gets feeling better soon. Lurk at our place, don't feel you have to comment if it's too hard.
Yikes!!! Your poor Mom :(
WE hope she feels better soon!!!
We cannot believe they did not give her any nip :O
That always makes us feel better ;)
Now you guys have to purr on her !!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Your poor mom!! We are purring that she feels better very soon!
Wow. We didn't know human activities could be that dangerous. We'll look out for our humans now. We can't do without the help...
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