Hi, I had to go back to the v-e-t on Friday. I had to be checked up to make sure the antibiotics did the trick and got rid of my URI. I still snuffle and have sinus issues, but I've had that my whole life. Other than than, I'm clear. My teeth are not good, so in preparation for some dental work, they took blood out of me for a "senior" health screen. Hmmmph! I won't even be 13 years old until May. My blood screen revealed that I'm perfectly healthy...I could have told them that. They wouldn't take my word for it.

Some of my kitty friends had questions about my eyes. If you look closely in the first picture you can see that my eyes are green but they have brown speckles in them. My eyes used to be pure green but as I get "older", they have changed. You can see the picture below taken 2 years ago and you can see the difference.

My doctor says it's a condition called melanosis. It can be harmless, but it could also turn to melanoma so my mom and dad have to watch it closely and I need to have the doctor check me out regularly too. I guess that means I can't skip out on my regular check ups. The doctor was up on this because his kitty had the same condition a couple of years ago and his kitty lost one of his eyes! I hope that doesn't happen to me.
That's it for the tuxie man cat report.
Come back tomorrow to help celebrate Cory's birthday!
We're glad your v-e-t visit showed you were in the clear. Sorry you got to have dental work done. We hope that it is not too bad.
We are happy to hear that you passed your tests. We are also glad that you have a Doctor who knows whats going on with you.
The news on the blood works is great! We too are happy that you have a good doctor to look after those other issues! "Senior"? Pft! You show them!
You showed them.. Glad not too much work needed. I love your eyes and think they look good, but am glad they are keeping an eye on them just the same.
Hugs GJ xx
It's always good to get a great check-up. My sister has melanosis too (Puff). We watch it very carefully.
I wish u to get well soon!
Me purrrrrrrs for you!
Madison, we are so glad to hear you are doing better and your blood tests were great! Sorry you will need a dental.
We think you have beautiful eyes! Maya also has melanosis in one of his eyes, so we are watching him closely.
We are all doing ok here on the creek. We miss Cal something awful, but are relieved he is happy at the bridge and no longer needing pills and fluids to get through the day.
I did not know what melanosis was. Thank you for teaching me something this morning, Madison. You still look beautiful to me, brown flecks or no brown flecks!
Glad tha URI is going, sorry abouts tha dental work.
Love & Purrs,
we are glad that your URI is going away. Fank you for the informashun on the speckles in the eyes. we nefur knowed that!
Hi ya, Madison! We're happy to hear your URI is getting better! Our vet will steal our bloods for a screening no matter how old you are if you are having dental work so don't let that bother you...
Also, mom had a cat before us whose eyes changed like that too...and the vet sed it was a sign of getting older...not that you are old or anything...that cat never developed any other eye problems thank goodness...
Now we are in the right spot! Nice to meet you Madison! We are gld your blood test came out good and we will be purring for you to get all better!
Perhaps if you wear shades when you sit in the sun that would protect your lovely eyes?
At any rate, I am glad you are healthy--even if it means that nasty dental thing. You know they took all but THREE of my teeth? And I'm not even 8 years old yet.
I am glad your bloods are good! Thanks for explaining about your eyes. I have never heard of that before.
We so happy to hear that your VET visit went well. Silly beans should listen to us when we tell them things (like our blood is good). We didn't know abut melanosis so we appreciate your explaining it.
I never heard about that eye thing before. I hope your eyes stay fine. I HATE having work done on my teeth. It's an icky time!
13 ain't old, not by a long shot. I hope you make it to 18 like me!
Oh crap, dat dental stuff...dey knock yoo out and when yoo wake up yoor mouth hurts. Well, okay, it stops hurting almost right away, but still. Oh, Zippy haf dem brown spots in her eyes too, we is not worried cuz da vet checks dem once a year and she's hadded dem fur 8 years and nothing haf changed. Glad yoor healthy!
Glad your blood is in good shape Madison. Too bad about the teeth,they'll have them fixed up before you know it though.
That is interesting about your eyes. I had noticed they were unique looking but I thought that was their natural colour. The PM has green eyes with orange flecks so I didn't think the brown was too odd. Hope they don't get worse though.
Purrs Goldie
Madison,we are so happy you are healthy again!! We hope all goes well with your teeth too :)
We also hope your eyes do not get worse. We hope they just stay unique ;)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
hi, madison--i'm glad your trip to the v-e-t wasn't furry traumatic, an' that you're in good shape. i has a spot on my left eye, only it's red! i look kinda catsmassy all year around, since my eyes are green;-) but My Mama will keep a close watch on that eye now, since you told alla us about melanosis. (great; now She has something else to obsess ofur!;-D)
oh, pooey; i furgot to say that was me, madison--it's me, xing lu from the meowers.
We fink yer freckles on yer eyes are furry kyoot!
I don't think 13 is old!
I hope you better soon!
We gave you an award, visit our blog to see ^ ^
Jas & Gi
Oh Madison stay well, you're still a boy!
Hope your eyes stay good and healthy!
we think your eyes are very pretty indeed.
you look great.
We are so glad to hear that you are healthy. We didn't know that about freckles in the eyes. Jade has a big one in one of her eyes, but we think it truely is a freckle. Purrs to you.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
I am glad that your URI has gone away and that your blood is good. Sorry about the dental work. I had never heard about melanosis before. Thank you for the information. I hope that your eyes stay healthy.
Good to know you're in good health. Senior kitty - phew. 13 is no age. We're 14 combined!
Your eyes are beautiful, and we hope the condition stays benign.
Happiest of Purrfdays Cory!!! Whoo Hoo!
Luf, Us
hi Madison,
We're glad your health is A1 OK at the moment - try not to worry about your eyes because knowing thee could be a problem is half the battle. Mom said that your beans will be able to watch over things and make sure nothing awful happens to your eyes.
By the way you are very handsome.
Madison I am so very glad that you are feeling better!
And it is such irony that something bad can be so beautiful. At least your momma and the doc know what it is and know to watch it so they can nip anything bad in the butt :))
That's what our vet said last year - Mommy is still going to press it...
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