I had a very exciting week. I was thrilled to be able to join
Chilli's Silky & Slender Crew. I was a bit silly at first because I kept asking Chilli about wanting to join the Slinky club, but that was because I was confusing it with the "Slinky" party when Misha and the CB had the Presidential race. Silly me.

It's not such a big deal if I'm confused, right...silky, slender, slinky...silly, self-aware, self-satisfied, sassy, hmmm what other words come to mind to describe me?

Confident, funny, cat with catitude, sweet, smart....

Pretty pawed princess, good sister, sound sleeper....

Big yawner...oh wait a second...I yawn big but I'm not a big yawner...
Better yet, tune in tomorrow to see what word I am!
Bennette, you are all those things and more. We are sorry to have just found out about your Mom's owie shoulder. Our mom's must be very similar since our Mom decided to trip and fall at work last Saturday and ended up with an owie wrist. She has to wear a brace and it makes it hard for her to type also. We haven't been able to visit much either.
Purrs to your mommy to feel better soon. Our mom is almost as good as new now.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Looking good, Bennette!!! I am very excited to be part of the group too! Should be fun!!!!
Slinky, silky.... It's all good.
I am going to do a post too next week.
Purrs Banshee
Benette, that is a great list of words. We are looking forward to seeing what tomorrow's word is :)
Bennette, all those words describe the purrfect furriend for me! I'm so glad to get to hang out with you - we shall get up to some cool things! Now, there's one last thing - if you keep spelling me with one "L" I might have to nom some of your consonants. Mmh, Benete? Hahahahaha!
Purrs, Chilli
P.S.: Power to the Silkies!
Slinky...silky...sounds similar!
Yeah, "dense humans" I know all about it! Purrs, Chilli
Good pictures for a Tuxie Tuesday.
Slinky and silky...are you sure you're not a pair of pantyhose or a bottle of fine shampoo? ;) Maybe we should call you Vo5!
Bennette, concats on joining the crew!! You're the silkiest tuxie of them all!
We had to hang out a little longer today to enjoy one of mom's favorite Tom Pettys songs.
Oh Bennette...we do think you are silly and sassy!! And slinky!!! But 'specially slender and silky!
Bennette, our "S" word for you is stupendous! What else can we say?
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
You have many qualities really ^^
Jas & Gi
All of those wurds describe you purrfecktly! And the Silky and Slendur Clubbie sounds kool. I'll have to tell Dorydoo about it!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Don't forget "super gorgeous"!
I'll have my Wordy Wednesday Challenge word up tomorrow, too!
Oh you look great, can't wait to see what your word will be.
Congratulations on getting into the slinky and slender crew!
Alfie: Slinky and slender? I'm silky and slender too!
Milo: No Alfie you're not silky and slender you're a pest! You should join the pest club!
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