I got hauled off to the doctor on Thursday night. There ought to be a law about that. Can I get a lawyer, can I sue? Do you know what he did to me? He pulled me near and looked in my mouth and I snorted even more...and then he smiled and said I was all "boogery"! What kind of a diagnosis is that? Then it got much worse. He looked at my bum and figured out that the reason I was chewing on my hind end was because I needed my anal sacs "expressed". Oh the nerve...the indignity of it all. Can I sue?
I'm home now and I admit I'm feeling better. The few minutes of embarrassment did make me feel much better. I was given an antibiotic shot so my mom and dad don't need to shove pills or pink stuff down my throat. I probably won't be allowed to go to Jonesie's party tomorrow, but I'll watch from the window.

Isis had to be anally expressed when she was a young kitten, and I don't think she ever got over it. She's still traumatized.
"Anally expressed" doesn't sound right somehow. But we're glad you're better!
Oh dear - boogery! That's not good. Tamir and Sniffie had that nasty anal sac thing done - it was furry embarrassing, but it did make them feel better. Hope you're better soon.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oh Madison...we're so sorry you hadta go to the v-e-t...and to suffer that indignation! We hope you feel better, though...being boogery isn't much fun either...
Our vet calls it the Sneezles, MOL. And yep, chewing around where your tail attaches to your bod it sorta typical of full A.G.'s...you'll be feeling better soon! For your sneezles, you can take L-Lysine 250mg every 12 hours to help prevent the virus from replicating. It's easy to crush the human tablet and mix in with some stinky goodness!
Poor Madison! Hope you feel all better soon.
Oh the horrors but I hope you feel better soon!
Oh dear! I'm sorry you had to endure such terrible torture, but I hope you will feel better real soon.
Hmm, boogery is not a diagnosis it is a state of being...poor guy, we'll purr fur ya to stop being so boogery.
Yikes, that's what I can a very bad day. I really hope you are feeling better!
Madison, we're so sorry you were sick and had to go to the darn vet! Boogery.....thats a real technical term!
We're also sorry about the anal gland expression. Cal can attest that is no. fun. at. all!
Feel better real soon! Sending you healing vibes!
Madison, we are sorry you are sick. Mom is too, and we hate it when she coughs. She scares us. We hope you start feeling better really soon.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and NK
Madison, we're sure you'll be feeling better very soon.
I haven't heard of too many cats having to get their anal glands expressed. I know that dogs seem to have a bigger problem in that area....
and they do a lot of scooting around when they have problems in that area. I'm glad your bum will be better.
Poor Madison! I hope you feel better really soon! I've had that "expressed" thing done and I didn't like it one bit!
Oh noes! Madison, I know what you're talking about when it comes to these anal sacs: They did the same to me, can you believe it? I'm glad though that you feel better already. Maybe one nasty shot is better than a daily fight for pills... Sleep tight and tomorrow the world will look much better already. Purrs to you, Siena
Goodness, a double whammy on both ends! We sure hope you feel well enough by tomorrow to attend the party, Madison.
Madison, we are sorry you are not feeling well. Hopefully the shot will have you right as rain in no time. We will make sure to save you some yummy food at Jonesie's party:)
Purring for you to get better soon!
Oh Madison I is thinking of you!! I remember momma telling me a story that when Mushka was smaller she had this terrible terrible smell, like something dead and momma was ultra worried about it and ran her off to the vet.. all it was were here "sacs" momma never knew they existed till then hehe
I hope your boogers go away quickly, you are lucky you have a good momma that takes notice :))
We're so sorry you had to suffer such indignities. We hope you feel better very soon.
Madison, we are sorry you got hauled to the Vet :o
Good thing that it all worked out for the best in the 'end',heeheehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
I'm sorry you were sick and had to go to the vet. My kitties don't like that place either. I hope you feel much better now!
At least your nose was all stuffed up so you couldn't smell your botty when the vet expressed your anal sacs. I've never had it done, but I hear it's really stinky!
Sorry that you were "boogery", but glad you are feeling better.
Hi Madison, I is so sorry to hears you haven't been feelings well. I hopes you feel much much better soon.
Cecilia, yes Calico Rock!!
Ellie, maybes we should have a plume off?
Cory and the rests of your furramily, yous all very beautiful and its nice to meets you. I hope you come to visits me again. I posted your link under cats who blog so I can comes visit here again.
Awwww, alla us Ballicai are so sorry you've been feelin bad, Madison! Bein boogery doesn't sound like fun at all. We are purrin and purrin fur you and we hope you feel bettur furry soonies!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Oh poor Madison. We so hope you feel better soon. What is it about VETS expecting bums - they seem obsessed!
Oh Madison, I hope you feel better soon. That *was a sucky day!
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