It's been almost 7 weeks since I was trapped in my backyard and brought inside the house. Since then, I've had a hard time adjusting to life on the inside. I've spent most of my time hiding behind the couch. Not that it's been so bad because there is a heater vent back there. I also don't have to worry about finding food anymore. I started exploring the house at night, but I got stressed out and started pulling fur out of my tail. My mom and dad found clumps of my tail fur around the house and that upset them. I lost my exploring privileges and now I'm back in my safe room until I feel more secure.
I suppose that now that you have seen this photo, my secret is out! On Saturday morning I decided that I'd let my new mom pet me a little bit. That seemed to make her happy. On Sunday morning when she came in to sit with me, I let her pet me. A lot. Then she invited me to sit on her lap on a soft blankie. It sounded like a good idea so I hopped in her lap and stayed there for 2 whole hours while I remembered what it was like to be petted and loved. I even let out a little purr!
I'm not feral. It's just been a couple of years since I've known love and happiness. It's still going to take me awhile to realize that my life has forever changed and I don't need to be afraid anymore. Being afraid has become a habit I need to break. I'll get there. I spent the rest of the day back behind the couch.

Oh Nigel! Congratulations on making such a wonderfully happy step forward! You are doing very well, and should be proud of how far you have come.
Big purrs!:)
Nigel, that is good news. Well done!
Nigel, two hours is a very long time - what a great breakthrough indeed. Your new mom must have been smiling so hard all the time that her cheeks hurt. Concats for rediscovering security, love and happiness!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Nigel, that is some nice progress.Cuddles and petting are a wonderful thing.
That is great Nigel!!! I know it is very hard to let your guard down. I sometimes lay down next to the PM and it gives her the warm fuzzies!!! It is a good thing your mom didn't have to pee as she would have held out until you moved, I bet!!!
Purrs Banshee
That's a big step Nigel! I bet your folks were so happy that you let a little love in your life!
ps - Puff and Powder's 11th birthday is April 1st! What a great day!
That is great news Nigel! Isn't it awesome to sit on your mom's lap and get cuddled? I hope that you continue to grow more comfortable so you can join all the other sweet cats in your house!
Wow! Nigel, we just love to see you progressing! We bet your mommy was soooo happy that you let her pet you and you sat in her lap and purred! You remind us of Rambler, we believe he too once lived with people, but was somehow abandoned.
No need to fear, Nigel, you're in great hands!
Later you will adapt and will love all that your human give you ^^
Jas & Gi
Remember to love your human!
We are so proud of you - you are making great progress. just take your time and feel the love.
Oh Nigel, that's really awesome! I'm glad you are ready to open your heart to love and trust again.
Oh wel done, you will soon be enjoying lots of cuddles every day.
I think you are very lovely.
Hugs GJ xx
Oh yipee, Nigel! All that petting must have brought back some good memories, didn't it???
Nigel, you brought some tears to Mommy's eyes with your breakthrough (she's a little sensitive lately). Isn't it just the best to be on someone's lap again?
Nigel that is good news that you are trusting your humans more.
This is wonderful news! We're so glad to hear that you let your Mom pet you and cuddle you. You'll remember the good things and forget the bad ones soon.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Nigel, this is wonderful news! I hope that soon all the new good memories erase the bad times.
Oh Nigel this is great news! it brought a little tear to our eyes!
Oh Nigel, you are making some humans very happy and they will give you all the time you need, too knead!
Nigel, I am very happy to hear about this! I knew that little by little, you would let the people know that you are grateful and that you may be scared but want them to know that you like them!
What a nice lady you have. Very patient and kind.
Nice to meet you Maidson. We are glad you are feeling better! We will purr for your eyes and for your teeth too!
Oops! We pur that post in the wrong place! It's good to meet you too Nigel! We are so haapy you decided to come indoors for some loving and being taken care of!
OH Nigel you are so lucky to have found your new momma! She understands that you need a little time to remember and trust again :))
My momma has been trying to help the ghost kitteh that has been coming to visit us for a few years now , but he is still very skittish, won't come inside properly but is letting momma and dadda pet him for little bits.. I wish that my momma had your mommy's touch though :))
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