Chey has always been hard for me. I have to study up on my geography so I can be the first to find her. My mom got me some maps to study.

Here I'm studying Kentucky. I don't think she has been found in Kentucky yet.

The Hawaiian Islands are fun to study. I bet they grow great nip in Hawaii...Meowy Wowy for sure!

All this studying makes me sleepy. Maps are kind of boring.
Oah My God~!
I think Chey must be really touched by your study so hard on that map~!!!
I couldn't do that so well!
Long as your geography stretches to finding your way to your food bowl and bed, you needn't worry!
What a studious ladycat you are, Cory:)
Hehehehe, we never found Chey either. Those maps look like fun to sleep on.
Kentucky doesn't sound right, but with that level of preparation, we're sure you're gonna succeed.
We have found Chey twice... one time we akshully knew and the other was sheer luck.
We would love to try some Meowy Wowy!!
Cory, we never know where Chey is...maybe we need to take some geography lessons from you!
pee ess. those worker guys are working on the laundry room and half-bath...and they sure are taking a long time finishing! they say they keep running into "problems." But they are almost done now!
I hear beautiful orange American tabbies named Zeus make great study partners. Meow!
Cory, you are smart! I been thinking I need to study some geography, too.
I think finding me is much more interesting than just an old map... I wonder if there is a way to use the google picture imager?
Meowy Wowy sounds like something I would enjoy a great deal!
Is Zeus hitting on you???
Don't feel bad, Cory. We never know where Chey is either!
HAHAH Miss Cory I would be a falling asleep too! The demands our mommas put on us.. we are just supposed to provide the lovin' I says! hehe
We've never played this game before, looks like it takes lotsa skill to find Chey! We're sure you'll be able to find her!
Mom says she knows that feeling your talking about when Grete jumps and plays. Just when they took their guard down and started to relax when Maggie played, this happened. Praying Grete and Maggie May never have anymore problems!!
Meowy Wowy. Heh, heh.
We never figure it out either,heehee
You will be a super smart kitty soon :)
Watching you study is making US tired,hahahahaha!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
We're not too good in figuring out where Chey is either. We do think naps sound good though!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Good luck with the research, Cory! It looks like too much work for us!
Meowy Wowy! Too funny.
Chey is always too smart for me!
Cory, we think studying the maps would be boring too! Biting and chewing them would be much more fun ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Pee Ess ... thanks for your purrayers for Grandma!
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