Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Morning Sunshine

We are very very happy that after days and days of miserable rain, we finally have some sunshine to enjoy this weekend. Jonesie and Ginger are determined not to miss a second of it!Hey, would someone please clean up these leaves?

Happy Sunday!


Forever Foster said...

We don't blame you for wanting to revel in the sunshine, after all that rain! We hope you got your furs lovely and warm:)

Everycat said...

Aaah sunshine! How beautiful Jonesie and Ginger look amongst the leaves.

Whicky Wuudler

The Island Cats said...

Could you send some sunshine our way??? It's so cloudy here...and we see snow flakes...yikes!

Parker said...

Enjoy that sunshine, you must have all of ours!

Milton said...

Sunday sunbeams are the besterest!

Daisy said...

Enjoy your sunshines!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh lucky you sunshine. Wait! Our is here too!!!

Maggie May said...

Hi Cory! We had 3 days of miserable rain here too. Glad you guys got some sunshine!!!
~The Creek Cats~

Whimpurr said...

You two look so gorgeous in the sunshine! We had sunshine too but it was still very cccccold! ;o)

Kiddo said...

I love basking in the sunshine!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Sunshine? What is that? Did yoo ever figger out who spilled da cereal?

Anonymous said...

haha what a cool cranky face you haz!@! That would get the point across I must take notes;)All those leaves.. woah how much fun!! :)