Happy Day after Thanksgiving Dinner has finally come true!
Cory: Hey Dad, that turkey doesn't look done yet, stick it back in the oven for awhile.

Cory: See I told you, it still has a few degrees left to go!

Ellie: I'm getting tired of waiting, I'm heading for the salad course. I prefer salad to turkey anyway!

Madison: The turkey tastes great to me! Thanks for the plate! Good thing Cecilia doesn't care for turkey too much...I get both plates! Yay!

Happy Thanksgiving weekend everyone!
Ohh I iz sorreh we is late. I hopez that you all had a wonderful day!
I can see you got nommy Turkey so I am sure it was :))
Ohhhh yum a lum! What a feast! You are so lucky that you get two turkey days. We have to wait till Christmas, and all this talk of turkey has our mouths watering already!:)
Mmmmmm, turkey! Wasn't it good??!?
Good things come to he who waits! I am glad you finally got your delicious treats.
What a tasty looking dinner!
Oh! Yummy, yummy, yummy!
Mmmm. Did you get Whipped Cream for dessert?
I'm glad you enjoyed your turkey treat! :o)
Hi guys!!!! I'm so happy you finally got your very own turkey dinner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Yummy, yum, yum!!!! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
I tried blogrolling you but somehow Blogger wouldn't let me. You haven't blocked the function, by any chance, have you?
My post which you commented on disappeared into the ether space. I am paranoid.
OK third time lucky. I am going to try again!
Cory, Blogger says you don't have a 'feed', when I tried to put your address in. Hence when I click on it, it wouldn't let me go to you. Hope you guys are not starving ;)
I give up, my SS is not very techno-savvy.
I'm very glad that you got that turkey eventually. I bet it tasted very good. I hope no one got indigestion!
Whicky Wuudler
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