Kimi and Junior were the mother/son duo who grew up with my mom. They were indoor kitties who only went outside on a leash.
When mom moved out on her own, she wanted to adopt a kitty, so she went to the Humane Society. She was thinking that she wanted a grey kitty (what was she thinking?). While she was looking at a grey kitten, another kitten came up and swatted her "hey take me". That smart little swatting kitten was Morgan. Love at first sight, soul mates forever.
Morgan was ruler of the house and a force to be reckoned with. Our vet said he'd rather wrestle a tiger. Once when Morgan had to stay at the vet, the technicians refused to get her out of her cage. Mom had to go back and get her. When mom went face first into the cage, the techs let out an audible gasp. They were certain that mom would be disfigured, but no....just a "mew" came out of her and the techs knew they had been manipulated by the master.
Morgan was adopted by my mom and dad when they didn't have much money. She developed a love for ramen noodles and peanut butter on graham crackers that stayed with her for her whole life. She lived to be 18 years old. Liver disease took her from us. Mom said she knew the end was near when Morgan refused to eat ramen.
Morgan aka: Queen of All, The Queen Mother, Munchkin
Morgan up a tree

Nimue passed away suddenly when she was just shy of 10 years old. She had cardiomyopathy and prior to her sudden fatal episode, there were no signs of trouble.

After Morgan passed away in January of 1998, Mom and dad were without a meezer AND without any girl kitties. It was man-cat central with Jonathan, Maxfield, Madison and Michelangelo.
In April 1998, Maggie appeared at a local amusement park. Hungry, alone and very bewildered at why she was on her own, she was scooped up by my mom and dad. They too were bewildered at why such a girl was on her own. They searched and searched for her owners but came up with nothing. Soon after Maggie came home (meaning immediately), she went into heat. That sent Michelangelo and Madison into a swoon. They loved her more than anything or anyone, but they could do nothing about it. They loved her anyway and worshipped her for her whole life. She was a total southern belle and EVERYONE worshipped her. Everyone hoped she would take over the Queen role that Morgan left open, but she was destined to be a princess and dumpster diva.
Maggie passed away in the fall of 2005 after a tough battle with aggressive bile duct cancer. My mom and dad would have done anything to save her, but with that kind of disease there is nothing you can do.
Mom and dad were once again left Meezerless. That's where came into our lives. Mom searched and found my momma and me up for adoption by United Paws. My momma's name was Libby at the time, because she had been liberated from her terrible situation. When my momma and I came home we were given new names. My mom had her co-workers help out and they thought we should be named after 2 great women in history. That's how we were named after Eleanor Roosevelt and Coretta Scott King....Ellie and Cory. We hope to do great things too and make the meezers who came before us very proud.
Once a Meezer-lover, always a Meezer-lover! hahha! We really enjoyed hearing about the Meezers who came before you!
What a great story. Cory, you should be very proud to live in such a wonderful home!
We loved learning the story behind your and your mum's names. What a great pair of women to be named after:) You are sure from a family of gorgeous kitties.
That was a great post!!!!!!
We loved hearing about the ones who came before! So sweet!
Purrs Goldie and Shade
That's a nice story :)
It's so nice to remember and honor the ones that came before us...we enjoyed reading your story!
It was soooo wonderful to read your post, Cory, and to learn about your family that came before you! You all are such very lucky kitties to have such a wonderful home! And naturally we like reading about meezers ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
You are a natural born story teller, did you know that? We really enjoyed hearing about the ones who came before and looking at their pictures. What lovely beautiful kitties...
That is a very good story! Meezers are like an addiction aren't they? My Woman knew her Mom's meezer when she was a little girl and always knew there would have to be meezers in her life. Latte was our first.
Once you've had a meezer you can't ever go back...
Wow, we see so many similarities in our families, Cory. Cal at the vet is a holy terror and the techs will not touch him, he stayed at the vet all day once and they were too scared to get him out of the cage. I try to tell them his bark is worse than his bite! We lost Sylvester last year suddenly just before the age of 7. The beans came home for lunch one day and he was dead in the middle of the floor, no prior symptoms, was fine before they left for work. Not sure what happened cause our daddy didn't want a necropsy and just wanted to lay him to rest as soon as possible. Maybe it was also cardiomyopathy.
Thanks so much for telling us about your Ones-Who-Came-Before. They were very special.
What nice memories! The ones who came before are always loved and never forgotten! :o)
Awwww, thank you for the compliment, you and your momma are very very cute yourself.
Mommy says that you and your momma remind her of when she had my big sis angel kitty Missy and me. We look kinda like you two, except with shorter hair. In fact me and my pesky siblings are gonna stop bickering long enough to remember our big sis angel kitty Missy tomorrow.
We know yoo are making da ones dat came before very proud. Dad sez der is nothing like kitty love to make a person happy. We think der is nothing lika a little human love to make a kitty happy...
OH wow, thank you so much for sharing your stories.
You sure has beautiful families that came before :)
IT made Momma heart so warm that I think she will be happy for the rest of the day.
What a wonderful, gorgeous family you haz Cory :)
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