Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Paw It Forward- Tabby Tattletale Tuesday

So Cory started to fill you in on what's been going on here.  See, turns out our furriends treat us better than our very own mom and dad.   The only thing stopping us from reporting them to the ASPCA is that we still love them.  Even with all their faults and failings.   It started out before Christmas.  We got a box in the mail (which was not Christmas presents AT ALL!) and mom wouldn't let us open until Christmas.  It was clearly for "Paw it Forward", but mom said we had ::gasp:: plenty of toys and we could ::shudder:: wait.

When we finally got to open the box, it was from our furriends Ernie and Wally and Zoey, The Island Cats!
Ellie was beside herself with joy, and rubbed on their letter before diving into the box filled with amazing goodies!

There were treats and toys and a blankie sprinkled with  nip!

Ellie zeroed in on her most favorite toy in the world.  Foam soccer balls!  She carries them around and meows and drops them down the stairs and plays fetch with herself.  She is easily amused.

Cory helped mom discover our magnet that states we are official Honorary Island Cats.  Whoa.  We don't even live on an island.  Is that legal?

Mom found a cube that was stuffed in a little box.  It popped open right away and since we have been deprived cats (yes our mom has NEVER bought us one of these) we didn't know what to do with it at first.  Mom put our toys in there to give us a hint.

Ellie jumped right in.

So did Figaro. 
So did everyone.
It's so popular, that one of us is always in it.

Bennette saw an opportunity when everyone was preoccupied with the cube...she snagged the blankie for herself.  She's a smart one.
Our thoughtful furriends didn't forget Grete woofie.  She got a beautiful girlie toy and a yummy biscuit.

She gave the biscuit a lick...and within 2 minutes of this photo being taken, Grete ate it all.  She loved it!

Yowsa!  Now that was fun. 
Thank you Ernie, Wally and Zoey...and the yellow haired lady!

Okay, now it’s our turn to have fun pawing it forward. We’re looking for one cat or dog blogger that comment here saying you wanna participate in Paw It Forward. We’ll send you something fun, inspiring or uplifting. In turn, you’ll post about this on your blog, link to us, and then send something to up to three cat or dog bloggers that sign up to play along with you. There’re no cost restraints, BUT don’t go crazy! The little something you send can be something you made, bought, were given or found. Maybe something unique from where you live? And, remember that kindness doesn’t have to involve money; there’re a lot of ways to help others every single day, everywhere you go. Keep the fun going and let us know if you wanna Paw It Forward!!! 


Gemini and Ichiro said...

What a cool gift. We can't participate at this time as we are short of cash, the Woman having lost her income place right now...

Raymond and Busby said...

Awesome gifts! Those Island Cats are good friends!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

Those are pawsome paw it forward gifts - the Island Cats put together a totally fun package!

I already participated in Paw It Forward, but I can't wait to see who does play!

Forever Foster said...

We would love to play, if you don't mind us being so far away. If you'd rather play with someone closer, that's totally cool :)

Forty Paws said...

Wow! What totally cool gifts! And an Island Cats magnet! We luf those spongey balls too! And a cube! And a blanket! Wowzer!

Luf, Us

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We would like ta "paw it forward" and we got some good ideas on cool stuff!

Mr Puddy said...

Have Fun Guys !!!! It's Super !..I love the football one : )

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Woah, what a great photo of you my friend!!

ZOOLATRY said...

The ZH is saying that within our wonderful cat blogging community everyone "paws it forward" every day with care and concern, purrs and prayers, visits and comments.
It's quite a wonderful thing isn't it ... she says we can't paw it with gifts at this time, but we're pawing it forward with love to all.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

That's a lot of goodies!! Have fun!!!

We can't participate just now as SS is jobless and we have to live on a tight budget.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Wonderful gifts! Getting those packages in the mail is just awesome!!!

We see that you already have several candidates to play Paw it Forward with. We're always up for a game but are happy to wait for the next round!

The Chans

Angel Simba said...

What a wonderful box of gifts. I am especially interested in Ellie playing Fetch with the sponge balls all by herself. Enjoy all your stuff!

The Island Cats said...

We're so glad you loved your Paw It Forward package, even if you did hafta wait to open it!! We sent you things that we really love.

Have fun Pawing it Forward!!

one of Fae's humans said...

wow, what an awesome box of goodies. :)

if i had a proper job i'd participate in Paw It Forward...

The Florida Furkids said...

What a pawsome package! The Island Cats rock!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Kea said...

That was a fabulous Paw-It-Forward package! Wow!

The Monkeys said...

We love pawing it forward but obviously our Mom is too late commenting for this one. With the purrformance reviews coming up, we're giving her an 'F'!

What awesome gifts from The Island Cats!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We won't join in this time ~ 'cos we did a "paw it forward" recently, and mom said we can't do anovver one yet. ::sigh::

Wot awesome presents yoo got though! The Island Cats are wonderful! And we love that badge ~ we are members of "Island Cats" and we haben't got one of those!

The Whiskeratti said...

What pawsome stuff. We hope y'all enjoy it. Leia has a cube, it's one of her most fav things ever.

Anonymous said...

Wow - they're great presents! We'd do "Paw it Forward" but we live all the way over in England...
Love Oliver and Ruby

Katnip Lounge said...

Awww, with friends like The Island Cats you all can afford to let the 'rents slide a little in the toy department! They really got you some pawsome gifts!
We are asking for stairs for Christmas so we can play the foam ball game, too.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Wow! Look at all those goodies! That is a great Paw It Forward package!!!

Cat said...

Isn't Paw it Forward so much fun!!! Amy from House of Cats pawed to us, we pawed to the Island Cats, then they pawed to you...it is so neat to see the chain get longer and longer :-)

Your package looks great, Ernie, Wally and Zoey are very generous!!!

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Awww,,, dat'z Wunderful, what nice giftz and you look like you all are havin so much fun wit dem,,, and an Island Cat Badge too ^~^

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a great package of gifts. Cubes are great fun aren't they. We never had one until a couple of weeks ago and we love rolling around and rasslin in it.

Ellen Whyte said...

Oh my that sounds fun! Grete with her bones and you kitties with that cube... a good start to the week!