Monday, January 31, 2011

Miffed Mitten Monday

This past weekend was upsetting.  First off, dad went away for the weekend last Thursday and didn't come home until Sunday night.  He said it was for "work"...whatever.  We missed him!  And guess what?  Because mom had to also "work"...yeah, whatever...Grete woofie had to go to "doggie day care"!  She was kind of excited about it the first day, but she did NOT want to go and play with woofies the 2nd day.  She would rather be with her bestest pal in the whole wide world.  ME!

Grete was so mad, she wouldn't let mom get a picture of her...just the tail of disrespect!

Then on Saturday mom abandoned us to go to a cat show.  She took pictures of other kitties.  This kitty is the longest cat in the world!  That's pretty cool.  Even though I was a bit jealous, I think I would have liked him.

There were cat trees everywhere!

And more cat trees...

And toys everywhere!  Mom got to have dinner with Chey's mom who was volunteering with Purrfect Pals.  They had sweetheart homeless kitties at the show who were looking for their forever homes.  By the time mom left on Saturday, one sweetie boy was adopted!

We gave mom the sniff over when she got home and I quickly forgave her for not taking me along.  I don't like to ride in the car anyway!  And no toys for has another destination for the goodies she picked up at the show!


Summer at said...

Wait a minute, Cory - your human was surrounded by all those magnificent cat trees and did not bring one home to you guys?! I think I would still be a little mad about that.

Raymond and Busby said...

Your Mom must have smelled VERY interesting when she came home. Poor Grete, she just wanted to stay home with her cat pals.

Us4 Cats said...

oh all those new scents when she came home !!!!

and no goodies? we understand being a bit miff'ed.

next time you and doggy can stay home together and have a house party . maybe?

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Oh my, look at all those colouful toys and cat trees. There is nothing like that here!!!

Can't Grete be trusted to stay home without mom? Surely, it's OK, Grete has been around the kitties for long enough.

Thanks for coming by and checking on me. Too bad that I can't say I am better.

Ellen Whyte said...

I think you should be in charge of Grete. mind you, that cat tree farm looks gooood.

Thanks for purring for Au. He's eating a little then not eating. We're crossing paws he picks up tomorrow.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Well we hope yoor mom spoild yoo all this week, to make up for such neglect!

The Florida Furkids said...

Cat shows are fun but they can also be a bit skeery. We've all been to them. The toys and treats and trees all look pawsome!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

one of Fae's humans said...

i'm jealous of your mom getting to go to a cat show/. :(( that sucks for you guys, though. :/ hopefully she at least gave you lots of love and maybe some treats!

The Island Cats said...

Aw, poor Grete...having to go to doggie day care...she's probably glad she doesn't hafta do that very much!! But we bet she got treated like a queen there!!

And we're glad you forgave your mom for not taking you to the cat show...but she musta smelled real interesting!!

Forever Foster said...

The kitty that was adopted at the show didn't come home with your mum, did she? Because it wouldn't surprise us :P

Kea said...

Yeah, we were wondering if that kitty is now home with you. LOL.

We think we'd go nuts with all those kitty trees/condos! Wow!

But how could your mom not bring you back some toys and treats? She could have got some for donation AND some for you all!

The Monkeys said...

You're very forgiving, Cory! Then again, your Mom is something awesome, so we'd forgive her too!

Mariodacat said...

Sounds like M & D had a great time even tho they were not together. I really think she should have brought home one of those spiffy looking cat trees tho. pfffftttt on mom.

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, it's hard on you when your beans leave for longer than usual. However, at least they came back with lots of great stories and the smells to match!

Cat said...

Poor Grete, I'm sorry she didn't like her daycare :-( Glad your mum had a nice time at the show and you kitties weren't too angry with her for fraternizing with other cats. Those condos looked fantastic :-)

Katnip Lounge said...

We hope your Dad brought you pressies...he owes alla you! 'Specially Grete!

We got a little fainty at the cat tree much fun.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We know something about being abandoned and so we know, Cory, how unlovely it is. BUT... she is now back home, as is your Daddy and so it is time for rejoicing. not miffing!!!

The Chans

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

No toys or new cat trees for you? what's up with that? It sounds like some otys will be going some place good though, we bet for homeless kitties.

We are sorry Grete didn't enjoy herself more. Were the other woofies mean to her? We hope not!

Catsparella said...

It's so cool that your mom saw the longest cat in the world..Stewie, right??

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Lots of lovely cat trees and toys. We could all have such fun there.

Angel Simba said...

Wow, those cat trees are neato! And how great that your Mom met up with Chey-Gemini-Ichiro's Mom. I am glad she came back to you, though

Oliver and Ruby said...

Those cat trees look like LOTS of fun!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Did you know the Woman said that Grainne, the kitty who needed surgery won Spectator's Choice award on Sunday which added another $50 to her fund for surgery?! We were thrilled with that--although we were not thrilled about the whole visiting other cat thing.... And I did not even get a cat post or fishy flakes or anything! She is thinking about taking Ichiro to the little cat show they put on in the spring (one day) to see if he likes that kind of thing... Which means less time for me. It was a no good very bad weekend.

Jacqueline said...

Hi, beautiful Cory and gorgeous Grete!...We're glad you guys are all home together now; happy week, sweet friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Quill and Greyson said...

Mom's never been to a cat show, and she was wondering if your Mom thought a booth at one to sell my book might work?

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Too bad woo are sooooooo far away -

Grete khould play with ME!

PeeEssWoo: Hi Grete! I bet Butterskhotch and BroFur would play too!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are sorry Grete hadda go to Doggie Day Care, but the house would have been "unpleasant" for you after a day!

We are stunned at seein all those kitty trees in one place! In fact, we could barely see the first for the trees (*cough*). Um, a few of them looked a bit weerd.

We say Mom should have gotten at least ONE fancy show toy for you guys!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

What an exciting place to visit! It was not fair AT ALL though that the only thing she brought back was some aromas.