Welcome to our first club meeting! I had such a great response and we have so many wonderful members. My first announcement is our new Vice Purresident ::drum roll::
Alfie Marshall! Alfie was a natural for the position considering he's been my mentee and quite the gardener! I was thrilled he accepted the position. I'm still accepting applications for various other roles.
Dante has been suggested as Secretary of Fertilization...for reasons only his mother can explain. I think he'd be wonderful at that job so it's his if he wants it. If there are roles you want in the club, let me know and we'll compile our list over the next month or so. We can review each week on Thursday.

Now, on to some housekeeping items. I've had some kitties wonder about membership and when we meet.
Garden club meetings are every Thursday right here at my sister Cory's blog. Thursday belongs to me and my garden and my club. That's the way it is.
Membership is open to any and all CB kitties. Woofies can be honorary members.
The super secret password ::shhh:: don't tell anyone or write it down or anything like that
and especially don't post it on the internet- "meow"
The super secret paw shake goes like this: take your right paw and dig at the ground three times like you are going to bury something good.
Other items: Please post your own garden posts on Thursdays and link back here if you want to. I'm trying out Mr. Linky for the first time so we can see what members of the club are up to.

My garden is a mess right now. I should be embarrassed, but my mom and dad have been busy. The leaves are everywhere. They said there is no point because there are still too many leaves still on the trees. Might as well wait to pick them up.

I recommend sitting in the leaves and getting them stuck to your rear end. It's the latest in fashion for the stylish garden cat.

Make sure your claws are nice and sharp. This technique also works for cats who dream of gardens. Couches and chairs and legs of unsuspecting humans work well too as a substitute, but it can hiss off some people so be careful.
So what's up in your garden today?
You know this makes me wish I had a garden and that I was allowed into a garden...
As I saids befores I dont has a gardens of my very owns but there are some bushes and trees I does enjoys outside..it's just beens so rainys lately I can't gets to them. Those leaves looks likes so muchs funs!
we liked the pictures...and all the gorgeous floof!
Does it count if we gots plants 'n flowers inside the house?
Does it count if we gots brown-paws, not green ones (like our ZH)?
It surely must count that we both frequently have those dingleberries hanging on around and 'neath our tails?
OOPS... the ZH says sorry she did the link; we don't have a garden post today, but she wasn't thinking...
Does digging in and eating indoor plants apply as well?? Well, then Wally is the Secretary of the Interior, 'cuz he likes to munch on some of mom's indoor plants which makes her not real happy...
(oops...I see the Zoolatry girls just asked the same question!)
Hi Jonesie,
I'm just thrilled to be Vice Purresident. It's gonna be such fun ~ I expect we'll have garden parties and efurrything.
I've practiced the super secret paw shake and I've learnt the password so I'm all ready for duties.
Alfie Marshall xx (feeling very proud)
The colours of your fall leaves are very pretty. You are doing an excellent job of getting your club in order, Jonesie:)
Great meeting Jonesie!! I am trying to come up with a good job for me. I know I can do it!!
Shades thinking too. She was actually out in the garden more than me this year. Maybe I can do "Wildlife Management" since I have had lots of experience with the wild beasts in this area!
We'll keep thinking.
Love the leafed 'tock shot!
Purrs Goldie
Oh Jonesie, I didn't know all these tidbits and leaves sticking to my 'tock floof were high fashion. That's great news!
Chilli and I would like to know if there's a Club badge available, or shall we take the one with your name in it? We don't want any oficial role in the club - just good times and lots of things to share about the glorious life of Gardening Cats!
Green purrs, Siena
My dream garden would be kind of ragged right now. If I was a good dream gardener, it would actually be plowed under by this time of year and look like a pretty patch of soil, waiting for next year. Of course I'd have dream tulip and daffodil bulbs under grown waiting for spring too. What a lovely dream!
I wanted to let you know that our girl kitty Penny has given Sister Cecilia an award. Please stop by Cat of Nine Tales to check it out.
Hi Jonesie! Neither of us has much floof in the 'tocks department so we can't get those leaves to stick. But jane rolls in the dirts a lot...does that count? We'll both practice the secret paw shake next trip outside!
We think that was a very successful first meeting! We don't get to go outside, and the only plan we had was our catnip which we (MOM) immediately killed. We think you want us far away from your plants!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We will start doing our gardening post on Thursdays after the Holidays, if that is OK? Right now they are on Fridays (Flowers on Friday).
Socks, Scylla & Charybdis.
PS: We kinda has a garden one today. It is a picture of a bird and a dragonfly that visited our butterfly garden.
We don't have a garden but we'd love to have one after seeing yours!
I still have none picture in the garden (this is sad ...)
But you are very careful of your garden as always!
Looks like you are off to a fine start, Cory! It's obvious you are a natural at garden leadership. Glogirly and I are city dwellers so our gardening experience is limited to a couple of very small decks. I'd like to have more flowers and plants, but Glogirly usually kills them. She's lazy. She needs to take some lessons on garden leadership from you.
How cool that there is a whole society of gardener cats! Soon you will have your own magazine and TV show!
Dante would be pleased to accept the position as Secretary of Fertilization. He's very good at it, so why not spread around his expurrtise?
Unfortunately, we didn't realize that the first meeting was today, so we didn't have any garden pictures, but will attempt to do so next Thursday.
My only question is -- what do we take pictures of in the winter when there is snow everywhere?
I'm just curious
I've never had a garden, so I guess I just have to enjoy one through all of the garden kitties.
We are definitivly "IN"! We love our garden and are allowed out often to snoopervise things. Sometimes we even help out.
We EVEN help The Big Thing grow vegtabuls, which we think are evil... We really like the pretty flowers, though.
I was hoping I could perhaps be Queen of the Porch? Or maybe since I'M Secretary of the Interior already in Misha's cabinet maybe I could be the same in the garden club?
::Looks around to see no one is listening:: Meow
Jonesie, we don't have a garden post this week - we don't have a garden but we like them so we hope we are still ok to join. We will try to do something garden related starting next Thursday - we just aren't up to posting much right now. But we love your garden posts and would love to help in some way - but we don't know what that would be because we don't really know about gardening or running a club. But if you need anything we are willing to do it!
Oh shoot, we are LATE again. Blame it on 'puter problem. Our server at home is down.
I just watch SS when she works in the garden and only dig when and where I feel like, generally NOT where it is needed. Good thing our garden is well establshed. Left to me, it would be a regular mess.
... will post up for next Thursday... can't wait... boys definitely at the ready (have their script planned.. sort of)Helen, D&B
We would love to join! We used to have a lovely backyard garden paradise, but now we live high above some palm trees. We're still dreaming about our garden, though.
We would love to join the club too. Our garden isn't looking good at the moment at all because winter has arrived here so everything looks very sad. This looks like fun.
We've missed this post while the humans were "busy" (i.e. lazy). Can we join?
I think a cat gardening club is a fabulous idea! You are very smart and organized. I would like to apply for the job of cat garden wear fashion. I am a sphynx cat (no fur) and know a lot about fashion for gardening.
Thanks for inviting me to join the club. I live indoors but my MaaMaa is a crazy gardener and looks forward to cat gardening. Purrs, Tankene Ice Mist
I would be very happy to help with "gardening questions"
i has just found your gardening bloggie! i too is a gardening aficionado....i loves to help mummy in her garden...and its a big one so she needs lots of help *meow* I will try to post linkys back to you, but mummy is a bit technologically challenged..so we'll see....
Hi Cory. My people garden and I snoopervise from my cat tree inside. They will post pictures of the garden on my blog and I will tell everyone if I approve.
Purrs, Jackpot
what a neat idea! too bad my cats only have a small balcony for their gardening inclinations...
Nice idea, this gardening/cats club!
I have a really little garden in Italy and three cats: Cagliostro, Emma and Clizia.
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