Hi there! I haven't been allowed to post too much because all of my pictures have looked the same. I pretty much have camped out on my cat tree in the corner window and I don't leave. Ever since I moved in back in February, it's been one adjustment after another. I'm just now realizing that the food isn't going away, and I'm really part of the family. They aren't just mistaking me for a larger and manlier version of little squirt Cory. I really do belong here. They really do love me. Wow.

I've been a little hard to manage at times. I admit that. I had to go to the v-e-t yesterday to finish up all my first shots...get all
boostered up and all that. When they got me in the carrier I got really upset and had a wee bit of stress
diarrhea. I hollered all the way to the v-e-t and hollered so loudly in the waiting room everyone wondered what was the matter with me. I must be injured or ill or something, right? Nope, just really hissed off. The v-e-t was really nice to me and let me hide under a towel while he gave me my shots. Then when I got home mom and dad tried to give me a bath. At that point I realized they must really love me. After that I decided to hang out in the hallway.
Pee Ess. I really am more than twice as big as Cory. The photo is not an optical illlusion. I am 18 pounds and she is a weensy 8 pounds.
I think that it doesn't matter that all photos look the same--I mean most of mine do too! You should blog anyway.
Hi Nigel! Glad you're settling in. Looks real nice over there. 18 pounds, you're a big kitty!
Oh Nigel, jus relax and see ya are part of the fambly!
Careful you don't sit on Cory - you may squish her!
Hello Nigel!
The same situation happens to me too, all of my photo seems like they are the same :)
Hi Nigel, pooping yoorself when they take yoo to the VETS is always a good idea as a preventitive measure. That way they only take yoo when it's absolutely essenshul. Always try to wait until they pick yoo up for maximum effect. Tee hee!
We're so glad yoo now know yoor fambly love yoo ~ and do yoo know wot ~ WE LOVE YOO TOO!
Milo and Alfie xx
Silly Nigel, of course they love you!!! Don't worry about your pictures looking the same. Many of ours do too since we mostly sleep.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oh, poor little (big) thing... v-e-t trips are awful... try a few short trips with lovely endings - Our mummy did that with us and now we can go all the way to Cornwall in the car (4 hours) without a peep. She did catch us when we were kits though, which no doubt makes a difference. All your photos are lovely, no matter if similar ... we like to see you all. Helen D&B
Nigel, ain't it great to realize that food will always be there? I used to think every meal would be my last till about 2 years ago.
Love is all we need...
We think you look very, VERY handsome, Nigel! We're sorry the vet trip was so stressful, though. Actually, I get such "stress symptoms" when I travel that #1 no longer puts me in the carrier! I get my Puppia harness and a litter box on the floor of the car! It works just fine!
Wow, Nigel, you are a big boy! We are so glad to see you today. Sorry about having to go to the vet. It's never any fun.
Cory, sometimes you just have to make a little noise to let the 'beans realize that you are not a push-over.
Nigel, you are a huge mancat. We are very glad you figured out you are home and loved.
Caught up on the post we missed.
Grete glad you had a good time at the park with the other dogs. Fenris would love to do something like that.
Jonesie, you look great with the carrots and greenhouses are pawsome places to hang out. ~S,S,C & F
Nigel, we're glad you're finally realizing you're home now...but we're sorry you hadta go to the v-e-t...we don't like going much either and will yell our heads off when we're in the PTU! And wow! You are a big mancat!!
Of course they luff you. And we are very glad you have a forever home now.
Nigel, we are very happy to hear you are beginning to understand that you are in your Forever Home. We know that your family love you very much, and it sounds like you are beginning to understand that, too:)
It is so nice to see you Nigel!! You ARE one big beautiful boy!! Sorry to hear about your V-E-T trauma. Happened here too but no one's ready to talk about it just yet. Take a nice nap and relax today!
Purrs Shade
We are glad to hear that you are starting to feel at home finally. Aren't forever homes wonderful?
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
whoo hoo! i am so happy for you Nigel. it is wonderful to have a forever home and be comfortable in it. it took me about a 8 months to start really settling in.
you are one good looking Mancat. be careful with that 18lbs that you don't lay right on Cory. i'll bet she is a scrappy 8lbs tho...
and Bendrix and I are proud of your behavior at the VET. it is imporant to keep them on their toes.
Oh Nigel, I am so glad you finally realize that you are Safe and this will be your real home FOREVER! Hooray!
Nigel, we totally understand that you had to realise you're home first. Yo were hanging around outside for so long...
Chilli hates travelling by car. Mom dreads when we're going to the other type of human's parents for Christmas again. It's a 3h and a bit drive and the last time Chilli hollered the whole drive. On the way back too. Screaming like a mad cat. She didn't have stress pooter problems, though. We're happy to hear you're boostered up. That means you won't have to go to the vet any time soon. Special purrs to you, Siena & Chilli
We are glad you are settling in.We knew your family loved you and that you had a forever home, we are glad you now know that.
Aw Nigel, we are so happy you finally realized that you are loved and have a great family!!!!
You are a pretty nice sized Mancat too :o
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Don't woree abouts da poop ting bro, I gets it too when I'm freeked abouts sumpin. You are luckee to be in a home where da beenzez understand dis kind of ting.
Dude, you are one impressive mancat!! I'm glad that you are finally adjusting and realizing that they all love you!!
A visit to the vet, shots, a bath and you realise they love you? You are a serious brain, Nigel! Hope to see more of you.
Nigel, it is time to take advantage of all the good times you can have in your new place.
Ahhh, Nigel. It's been a rough go for you, it sounds like. We're glad you're beginning to really feel at home now!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Wow, what a big boy you are! My Lucky is 14 pounds and I thought he was huge. Sorry you had to go to the v-e-t, Midnight and Snowball had to go Monday too. Say some purrs for Snowball, she's 15 and starting to show her age.
PS...Glad you feel at home finally. Of course they love you---how could they not love you? You are a great addition to their family!
Wow Nigel it is so great you are getting to realize that you have a wonderful home now. And you are like our kitty Floyd - big. And we understand the whole issue with the pictures - we have a lot of that at our house too. And don't worry about howling about going to the vet - Barney is like a fire alarm he is so loud in the car!
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