I have been doing a lot of work this week helping mom and dad harvest the veggies and herbs. They depend on me to figure out what is ripe and ready to go. I approved of the basket, and I show how happy I am by taking a nap next to it. Notice how I still keep my eyes open so no introoders can walk off with my prize crop. We have squash, eggplant, peppers and basil.
The garlic is finally ready to go. We dug up all of it at once. I'm an expert digger.
Dad was cleaning up excess stuff in the garden. I like to ride along in the cart, but here you can see I had other pressing tasks so I had to jump off the cart and get back to work.
This past week, my good furriend and garden-cat-in-training, Alfie Marshall, demonstrated how quickly the student can become the master. He showed everyone how to harvest and preserve chives and parsley. I told my mom about it and she was very interested. She promised me that we could give this a try. Here I am trying to pick the best herbs.
Man you look like a fantastic gardener! What great stuff you have!
You are an excellent gardener! I love how you snoopervise so well.
Jonesie, you are such a superb gardener. We don't know what our mom is doing wrong, but despite our big efforts she isn't harvesting much. Maybe it's because we have to keep almost everything in pots...
Purrs, your Gardening Cats Siena & Chilli
We are in awe of your garden, Jonesie! Especially Mom. She's thrilled that she hasn't killed our new Red Dogwood while our Grampy has been gone for the summer. She has to keep it alive 2 more weeks! ::paws crossed::
When mum first read Ginger's little biography on your side bar, she laughed for about five minutes. We can certainly imagine her exagerrating!:)
I can't wait to see what you are going to do with the herbs!
ps - yea, you can all comment!
You're doing so good with the harvesting, Jonesie! There's gonna be lots of veggies to eat in your house!
You are doing a fantastic job. That's for sure. Heck, if I even tried to garden a cactus it would die! Lol
You're the purrfect snoopervisor for the garden! We're looking forward to hearing what Cory did with the chives!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Looks like you've been hard at work again. What a bumper crop!
Jonesie, you are such a great gardener. We are really looking forward to see what Corey did with your chives.
Wow you have a great crop - that shows what a wonderful gardner you are! And I can't wait to hear about the chives and what Cory did with them!
We love days in the garden with you Jonesie!
We gave you all an award!!!
You sure have a bountiful harvest!
You're doing a great job!
Wow, you got so much done!! You're a great gardener, Jonesie. Lots to eat all fall and winter long!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
You are such a hard worker!
Jonesie, I am so impurressed with all the bounty you have reaped from your hard work all summer. You are helping to feed your entire family -- what would they efur do without you? Ginger just seems a little lazy to me -- she likes to roll around in the dirt. She is very beautiful, though, as are you! Your tail is just magnificent, Jonesie!
Jonesie, you sure do have a great job! And you are so good at it!
Mom is longing for a little garden. I suspect, even if I try to be a Jr Gardner, she will kill everything.
Jonesie, I am saw impressed wiv your produce. I only growed herbs this year 'cos I was a late starter ~ but maybe next year ...
Alfie Marshall xx
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