There has been a lot of talk lately about our humans putting themselves on the "to do" list. We take that seriously and my momma and I do our best to be as helpful as possible. So Meezer rule for today is: Make sure your humans take care of themselves. What is it that Jillian on the Biggest Loser says? Unless you hack up a hairball or pass out...keep moving!

Both my momma and I share personal training duties for our mom. We're going to share some of our tips for a healthy and fit New Year. Here my momma demonstrates the use of the BOSU for core strength. It helps my momma hold her tail nice and high. She also likes the way the color matches her eyes. This also helps my mom stay nice and strong and balanced.

I always advise the use of light weights while using the BOSU. I also like the way the ends of the weights match my fur. In a pinch, both my momma and I can substitute for an 8 pound weight. We don't mind being bench pressed, but we do appreciate a kiss on the way down. For heavy lifting we recommend Ginger...uh did I say that?
hehe you iz good personal trainer! i haz x-er-eyes bloggie today too! i doing kitty crunches to lose my gut from all the holiday snackin!
You two look great helping out with all that equipment!!
So my idea of sleeping while the PM exercises is a little selfish? I should be more of a cheering squad.
Now where did I put those pom-poms?
Purrs Goldie
You should patent the kitty kiss exercise system. It has great potential!
Ellie, you have wonderful balance.
You guys are really impressive. And I think smooches by your momma are essential after all that hard work.
that's a great rule!
You guys could teach our momma a few things!
Unless you hack up a hairball or pass out...keep moving! --we like that!
Thanks for the demonstration! My Mommie has one of those BOSU balls, but I do not think she knows how to use it. Because it just sits there!
I am exhausted just looking at these pictures
*slopes off for a long nap*
You are doing an excellent job of demonstrating!
You are both doing very good demonstration work there! And we appreciate the fact that everything is so colour-coordinated. In fact we would love to join you!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Hehe Chase is our heavy lifter. I like your training tips. Meowmy goes to the gym place so I can't be her trainer.
Our mom needs a personal trainer like you...we're not so good at motivating mom...we'd rather have her sit down and snuggle with us!
(pee ess. we like the music today!! A change can do us good!)
You are a good trainer, Cory! Maybe you could come and help our Mama?
Gee!!! Sounds like a lot of beans have been watching Oprah ;) heehee
Even Mom wants to be on the 'to do'
I will help her by taking the warm spot in the bed so she cannot get back in!!! Heehee
Purrs Mickey
We think Tamir could use a personal trainer....Can we sign him up for your services??
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I think you should do a kitty workout every week to keep our Moms in good shape. Mommy needs a straight tail!
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