Cecilia: I have been so happy since I moved out of the house and into the workshop with Madison. He is the best buddy ever. Before I never let anyone pet me, and I was unhappy all the time. Now I'm becoming more social and I have started to let my mom pet me.
Yes, there is actually proof. I am allowing belly rubs! I still don't really like my picture taken, so mom had to act fast.
Bojangles continues to come for his breakfast everyday. We sit and watch each other eat through the window on the door. Dad was pretty sure that he saw him walking by some houses one street over. My mom and dad went to investigate and found a family with a female kitty who looks a lot like him, but it wasn't him. Mom ordered a tag that says "if this is your cat, call....", so when they get close enough, they will put it on him. They will just have to be patient. I will continue to do what ever I can to help. All I know is that when he shows up, I get Fancy Feast. I like him!

Cecilia, you like boys best, eh? No wonder if it implies fancy feast. We are very happy to hear that your getting into belly-rubs - they are the best!!!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Cecilia! Congratulations on making such wonderful progress! It is a testament to your mum.
The collar for Bojangles is a great idea.
That is nice that you let your mom at your belly. It makes them feel good to be allowed to do that once in awhile.
That is a great idea about the collar for Mr. Bojangles. Will they be able to get that close?
Purrs Goldie
Cecilia, you are making great strides!! We are glad you are a happy kitty!
The tag for Mr. Bojangles is a great idea. It worked for our intruder, Spunky! Hopefully you too will find out Mr.B has a great home already!
Belly rubs are great!
Cecelia, it's so good you are adjusting to your life inside! And we think having Bojangles around has its advantages!!! We hope your mom can get that collar on him!
How fun that you have your own place and your own friends. And you are getting friendlier! YEAH.
Cecilia, I am so glad that you are happy and sassy and making great progress.
Cecilia now aren't belly rubs great? We are all furry happy at your progress and the idea for Mr. Bojangles is an excellent one.
Good girl, Cecelia!!!
I just love belly rubs! They are usually followed by treats!
Belly rubs and fancy feast - that sounds pretty good to us!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Our Mom says it's not all about the winning, it's about taking part - and you did really well!
A really BIG present? Could it be a cat tree? Or a hammick? Or .... a den?
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