Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cory Tattles on Tuesday

We got BIG NEWS here at Casa de Cory!


Look who's under our bed!  I mean under OUR bed.  In the house.

Yup.   It's sweet Cecilia!  (she only stayed under the bed for a few days)

But the other BIG news is...

This is Ginger's "What the Fluff" look!

I didn't let Ginger tattle today cause he's been a bit speechless.  But you know what?

Mom and dad had to think long and hard about what was best for everyone.  Ginger has been having serious issues with constipation and megacolon.  He's on 2 different medications.  Ginger is a huge drama queen and at our house...well there are lots of litter boxes, but sometimes there is drama around the door to the laundry room.  Mom and dad suspected that Ginger might um...be holding it when he shouldn't and therefore making his condition worse.  Plus he was stressed out.

So...now he has moved into the shop and has only 1 roommate...sweet elderly Madison.  No competition for the box...or the food...or the cat tree (Madison has never shown any interest in it).  Ginger is adjusting super well and there have been no...um...backups!

Madison is a bit perturbed, but there has been only mild hissing and half hearted swatting of paws.   We think Cecilia misses Madison more than he misses her (don't tell her that!)


Look who's hogging the white fluffy blanket...and is being a total show off!

I know Cecilia is a glamour-puss, but does she have to hog the camera? 

Cecilia already knows most everyone in the house from hanging out in the yard with everyone.  My momma and I still remember her from when she first came to live with us.  The biggest issue was getting Cecilia used to being around Grete in the house.  Cecilia remembers our woofie Colby...and Colby never barked...or yipped...or whined.  Grete does all these things.

I think her ears are adjusted now.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh what a creative solution to a problem! I bet everyone will be much happier now--at least I hope so! Now, if only we had a shop for Ichiro and Gemini...

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Wow Cory,, you certainly haz a lot to tattle about ^..^,,, we sure hope efuryone will be happier wif da liffin arrangementz now. Specially no more backupz ^..^
Headbonkz ~

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

It sounds like this rearrangement is going to work out well for everyone!

Sweet Purrfections said...

It's great that you have some alternative living arrangements where everyone can be happy.

Raymond and Busby said...

Peace is wonderful!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

If only efurrybody would work things out like this! No one is hurt or sad. What a wonderful outcome! xoxo

Forty Paws said...

What a great solution! And Cecelia is indoors now? She sure is purrty.

Luf, Us

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Well, we sure are glad allkitties are adjustin ta the new situations!

Bengal Business said...

We hope effurything izz gonna work out ! Yourzz momzz and dadzz are doing effurything they can. Have a great day! Purrrs Lars and Odin

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Wow, kitty switch-a-roo! Hope everyone settles in quick!

Kat and the Furrsonality gang said...

Hopefully everything will keep going smooth with your new arrangement!
You guys are pawesome, we love your posts

ZOOLATRY said...

You should write a book, like the "cheaper by the dozen cats" ... a guide to sibling rivalry.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Glad to hear things are being figured out at your house. I bet our humans wish we could talk.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That is indeed big news and big changes, but it sounds like everyone is adjusting well, which pleases us!

The Chans

Barb said...

What the fluff? ahahahaha! Excellent solution for everyone!

I have wished I had a cat shop for a certain one of the Gs who has inappropriate marking issues. And I may yet. I'm getting bids from contractors on closing in my carport. We shall see...

Mariodacat said...

M is just thinking how creative the oomans have to be when they have multiple cats.

The Island Cats said...

We hope things continue to go well with the new living arrangements. Will Cecilia get to visit with Madison occasionally? Then she'll get to see her buddy sometimes.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Wow, big changes indeed! We hope the new arrangements work out well for everyone concerned.

Every time "adoption" crosses the mom's mind, she reads stories about adjustment issues (and remembers the Annie/Nicki combo) and says, nope, no adoptions ever again. LOL.

Cat said...

I hope Ginger's new living arrangement helps his medical issues and there will be no more "holding"!!!

Terri said...

Oh my goodness, what drama! We are glad Ginger is doing well in her new arrangement.

Unknown said...

It can be tough figuring out who goes where, who gets along with who. Me is happy that there is only Kozmo and the hairy slobbery sisters at my house!

Katnip Lounge said...

You are SO lucky to have the option! We had two great barn cats at our old casa--they were loners--and it reduced tensions in the house tremendously. Ginger, you keep your trains rollin' and Cecilia, we look forward to seeing more of you!

Whisppy said...

What a great idea! It sure is working out well.

Mr. Hendrix said...

That is a great idea! I'm sure it will all work out purfectly.

I'm glad Cecelia is safe and inside with you all now! She is pretty and I'm glad things are going well.

Gigi said...

Oh my, You all lead verreh complex lives! I have to study up ;-) The Human had a kitteh with that poop problem too--he did really great on the meds--and we think the lower stress will help him out too. XOXO & purrs to all!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Well, no wonder we don't see much of Madison, one that Meowm especially adores.

We are glad that things seem to be working out for everycat. Cecilia cure is a purrty girl!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Lots of change! We hope it helps Ginger and then everyone will be happy.

Quill and Greyson said...

We hope everything works out with the new arrangements!

Katie Isabella said...

What agreat thing to read. You have found a workable and do-able solution and no one is hissed off..not really and he is so much better off now.


Jans Funny Farm said...

We were checking on Ginger so we're glad to see Ginger is doing better and is adjusting to a new arrangement.