Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Trouble on Tuesday

Mom did something mean to us this past weekend.  I know I look ok here, consoling myself with mom's my sock.  I don't like making a fuss when things aren't going my way.  At least I don't make a big fuss.  Maybe a pout...

Anyway, it all started with mom and dad saying it was time to close the doors.  I had no idea what they were talking about since the doors to our house are closed all the time to keep us kitties inside and critters outside.

Then I tried to use the ladies room litterbox...the doorway was blocked!!!   Mom picked me up and put me inside the room.  Then I tried to get out.  I couldn't!!!!  I machine pawed the see through door like crazy...and mom and dad encouraged me...but they laughed too.

They put Bennette in the room with me so she could apparently show off her ability to figure stuff out.  I still couldn't quite get it.   I eventually...after like a kazillion years 20 minutes, mom and dad helped me.

They say my learning curve may take awhile.  

I don't like this at all.


The Florida Furkids said...

OMC you have your own door? We're impressed!!!

The Florida Furkids

Martin Hooper said...

Its OK If you havent figured out the new cat door...

Our cat Thomas never managed to work it out at all - We had to prop the flap open for him!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You know, if you're cute it doesn't matter if you ever figure it out...

Raymond and Busby said...

Change is hard! We don't like it either!

We sure like your sock! No wonder you sing a sock song! We would sing to such a pretty sock too.

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I think that door would really annoy me.

Terri said...

Well, that wasn't very thoughtful of them. They should have showed you how to get through the door before you needed to!

Ellen Whyte said...

Wow, is that a cat door??? pawsome!

Forever Foster said...

We didn't giggle at all. Promise :)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

I totally agree with you, Cory. That is horrible and unfair and no way to treat a sweet cat. I personally, as Queen of this house, have always refused to use "those things" so #1 has to prop the one that leads to the cat run open with tape. My son Beebs keeps telling me that I should learn how to use it properly so that there are no loner gales blowing into the house but my answer is NO!


Barb said...

Oh, you'll figure it out, Cory! Alla the Gs have to use the cat flap if they want to get outside onto the screened porch. Motivation! Even though they don't like it touching their ears... srsly.

GreatGranny said...

Oh noos, effurything changed, not good fur kitties. But you'll do it.
xoxo Kassey

Vanillabeanseed said...

That sounds scary.. and mean. mol. but your own door? Thats kindda pawesome. - Sage n Fizz

Cat said...

Keep trying Cory, we know you will figure it out soon :-)

Mariodacat said...

Oh dear Cory - that was so unfair of mom and dad. Now that new thing in your wall does look interesting. Maybe you should see where it goes!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

change is hard, but you will get it eventually and think it is the coolest thing eva!! at least the crew around here did

Marg said...

I don't know if we would figure out a cat door or not. I don't think we would like that either. And why can't they just leave the door open?? These hooomans. Never will figure them out. Take care.

Katnip Lounge said...

NOT the Evil Flap! We have a few of those. Mommy tempts us with yummy foods on one side while Daddy "encourages" us on the other. One time Mommy was teaching Chuckles (RIP) about the flap and accidentally poked her thumb in Chuck's, erm, "winker" and he SHOT through the flap! He was savvy to the flap after that.


Oh you've got your very own door! How cool! So what do you think now?

Unknown said...

Oh Cory, we know exactly what you're going through... well Mr Darcy does anyway. He just could not work out the catflap by himself and couldn't for the life of him work out why it didn't open when he meowed or laser eyed it. Luckilly Sookie showed him how to do it... keep watching Bennette and you should get there in time!!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

You will come to luf this new thing! Our woofies haf one. One of them figured it out right away--the other one, not so fast. MOL!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We feel your pain! We have one of those doors as well but I hate anything touching my nose. Mum ended up taking the flap off and just sliding the locking part in at night.

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

When your are beautiful, you don't need brains.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Uh-oh! You will get it figured out eventually!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

New things in my environment always perplex me, too. I hope you end up liking your new door.

The Island Cats said...

Well, we wouldn't have liked that either, Cory! We wanna go through the big door, not some little door!

Quill and Greyson said...

I don't blame you sweetie!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

lol!!! did you see the post on doors I did this past Monday? If not you might get a kick out of it

Shelly said...

Well, what did they expect Cory? You aren't used to walking through windows are you? THat's what it looks like anyway. Don't worry, you'll catch on. My Midnight would still be stuck in there!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Some of us would never be able to figure that door out! We would whap it a lot, tho.
~ The Bunch

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We dont have one of those, but we've heard TBT talk about them. We DONT like the idea.