Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tabby Tattletale Tuesday

Hey there, Ginger here!  I was a bit in a swoon yesterday because my sweet Tabby Mancat, Fui, discovered a cool thing.  If we both climb to the top of our cat trees and look REALLY hard...we can see each other! 

Turns out yesterday was a bit of a crazypants day at our place.  My goofy softhearted daddy found a squirrel in trouble.  He thinks it was either grazed by a car or the stupid squirrel fell out of a tree and hit his noggin.  Anyway, it was acting like it had a concussion so daddy scooped in up in a blankie, put it in MY cat carrier and hauled it off to the Audubon Society...where they informed my daddy that it was NOT a "native" squirrel, therefore all they were willing to do is euthanize it.  My daddy said no way to that...I mean if the squirrel had to go to The Bridge...then that's ok, but dad believes the squirrel has a fighting chance.  So...

The squirrel is still in MY cat carrier in MY garage with MY blankie...with some water.  Dad even checked on it and says it looks much better than this morning.

So the plan is...if Mr. or Miss squirrel can be released back in the yard tomorrow and can climb back up in the tree and can chatter mean and awful things at my dad for saving it...then all will be well in the world.  But if Mr. or Miss squirrel can't function tomorrow, then dad will be ok with taking it back to the Audubon Society to be helped to The Bridge.

Mom won't even look at it because she's a total weenie and she will name it and get attached to it...

Easy stomach.

So on to bigger family news!  Yes indeed we have the bestest additions to our family.  Why the bestest?  Because they don't live with us!!!  We have new cousin kitties who were adopted on Saturday. 

Meet the adorable Gracie...

And the precious Cali....

Gracie is 5 months old and Cali is 7 months old and they came from separate rescue groups in California!  Welcome to the family sweet ones!  If you need help sharpening your blogging chops...you know who to turn to.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Now if only Ichiro would be one of the additions that didn't live with me... Purrs for your Squirrel.

Us4 Cats said...

such a nice daddy bean to care for lil squirrel. we will purr for S.
the cousins are so sweet!
and your picture is precious !!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I am not a fan of the Audubon Society - some of their regional branches have been involved in trying to discourage TNR efforts and promote killing of feral cats in various parts of the country. The fact that they won't lift a finger to save a "non-native" squirrel makes me like them even less.

I wonder if you have something in your area like we do in L.A. - Valley Wildlife Care in West Hills is a non-profit that rescues and rehabs wildlife and they do great work. I can't imagine that you wouldn't have something like that up where you are.

Karen Jo said...

I do hope that your squirrel recovers. Congratulations on your new additions to your extended family. They are a couple of cuties.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That's a lovely post, Ginger!

We hope your little squirrel rescue makes it back up his or her tree!

Beautiful cousins!

The Chans

one of Fae's humans said...

goodluck miss/mr. squirrel! i really hope you feel better!

your new cousins are beautiful, Ginger. :)

The Island Cats said...

Ginger, you mean your humans actually saved an evil squirrel?? Oh, this world is going topsy-turvy!!

How nice that you got to see Fui!! That must be some cat trees you both got!!

Forever Foster said...

It sure felt like a super great discovery getting to the top of my tree and realising I could see you! But am I to understand that you are having to suffer without your carrier, your blanket OR your garage? That is a lot of neglect. Do you want me to call someone for you? The ASPCA perhaps?

It is super sweet of your parents to take such good care of a cheeky squirrel. We're purring for it to feel great tomorrow, and not even because we'd quite like to eat it.

Welcome to Gracie and Cali! They are so beautiful! (but not quite as beautiful as you, my Ginger sweetness ;) ).

Love Fui xxx

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Purrs for the squirrel from us all. And fank yoor daddy for being so kind.

We love yoor noo cousin kitties.

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

What wonderful cousins!
And such cute pictures :)

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Ginger, your Daddy is so kindhearted to help the injured squirrel, and your new cousins Gracie and Cali are just adorable, welcome to the family sweet ones!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Forty Paws said...

A squirrel in your PTU? Argh! An beeeyoutiful cat cousins! What a day!

Luf, Us

The Whiskeratti said...

What beautiful kitteh cousins you have. And good luck with that squirrel, too.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Squirrel rescuing....how wonderful. We hope he gets better and can be released.

Gracie and Cali sure are cuties. We are very glad your family rescued them. Gracie seems to have a bit of sadness in h er eyes, but we bet that will disappear in no time!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hooray for the adoptions, that always makes me smile. I sure hope that little squirrel makes it!

CCL Wendy said...

You are such a good rePURRter, Ginger. Your Dad is so very kind, and I do hope his efforts pay off and that the squirrel can go back to life in the wilds of your back yard and beyond. I'm like your Mom, but if there's only me around, I'd do what I had to.

I had to rescue a squirrel that inadvertently came into our house, once. It was terrified poor thing. Luckily, I was able to put the cats in another room, and get it down from the window valance with oven mitts. It wasn't injured, though.

And congrats on the new additions to the extended family. They look very sweet indeed! Cats seem to run in families, don't they? All of my sibilings are cat people, too.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your new cousins look lovely.We chase squirrels but we hope yours is okay.

Cat said...

I have a particular fondness for squirrels so I and very thankful that you are trying to help him! I do hope he recovers.

A big warm welcome to beautiful Gracie and Cali :-)

The Florida Furkids said...

We read on FB that mr/ms squirrel is okay!!! We're glad things turned out so well.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Quill and Greyson said...

We're behind, so Mom is praying the squirrel is fine.

Your cousin cats are darling. I see a blog in their future.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Well, we probly have to say we hope the skwerl recovers. But iffen it doesnt, will Dad be bringin it in fer your dinner?

Mariodacat said...

your Dad is a very kind oomnan for sure trying to save dat poor little squirrel. We hope he is successful with releasing it back in the wild. Your new cat cousins are beauties!!