It's always a
dilemma. Bathe or
whap? We always start out with good intentions. Everyone in the family wants me to bathe them.

One thing leads to another...maybe I wash a little too much, get too involved.

Next thing you know, paws are flying and mouths are chomping!

Then a moment later all settles down and we get sleepy.

I never can figure out why we do it this way, but it's always the same thing no matter what or who I am bathing.

It's just the way it is.
Decisions decisions... Sigh... I love to whap...
Our baths always end like that too!
We think that, in this case, whapping is just a way to dry and floof after the bathing!
Praps it's not so much whapping as an affecshunate pat! Ho ho ho!
Milo and Elfie (Mom watched "Elf" ~ the film, on TV yesterday and has been calling me Elfie ever since. :sheesh:)
That looks like bathtime at our house!
Haha! The same happens with us too.
At least you bathe each other - no go here...
The same thing happens here!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Since I do not have any other cats in my house, I have a similar thing that happens when my folks stroke and pet me. For a few strokes, all is fine, then I get into fight back mode and give them a strong bitey!
Our bathing sessions always lead to whapping too!!
Sounds like our house!
Whenever I try washing Jay, the same thing happens - He won't sit still! Then I HAVE to whap him! Austin & I don't even sit in the same place, let alone bathe each other - We've never liked each other! Oh well...
Nico, Austin & JayJay :)
At our house, getting closer than 12" always leads to whapping!
We do a lot of grooming each other.......but seems Sammy grooms Andy more....maybe cuz Sammy helped raise Andy from a tadpole????? purrrrrsssssss
At least you both stayed on the chair together. The fight must not be that serious. Here, the chair would be empty after such a ruckus.
Yep, that sounds like our place! Bing does over do it though, he just doesn't realise that you can have too much of a good thing! Love Darcy
There's a limit to the loving. I call it the kitty limit. Once kitties have reached the maximum love kitty limit, out come the whaps and bites.
We are all very familiar with it.
~Lisa Co9T
That happens in our house too!
Sometimes a bap is a bap and just needed. It's OK as long as it isn't too hard and no claws are out.
Ellie, it is tough to be the mom sometimes! They want to have you take care of them, then they want you to back off - it is the same for everyone!
I feel the same way about Mom. All good pets, then the bitey nibble.
I see this happen all the time in our house!
Oh yes, that's just the way it is between the floofy and the silky.
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