Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tabby Tattletale Tuesday

What's a girl gotta do around here to get some blog time?  With Cecilia getting sick and Grete giving back to society...I'm left out.   I have not been a particularly good girl.  I have not donated my time to charity.  It's been freezing cold all week and all I've wanted to do is go outside for some fun times.

Mom was all concerned that it was Nigel's first Christmas and so she was making sure that he didn't whap the ornaments off the tree.  Turns out he's just a mushpot.  Big giant mancat with a velvet paw, gently pawing at the ornaments like a girl.   But guess who was the "bad" one?  Guess who is probably going to get a lump of coal in her stocking?  Grete!  She pulled an ornament off the tree and chewed it up good!  Mom freaked out, but once she found the hook on the floor she stopped freaking out.  Now none of us can be in the room with the tree by ourselves.  We are locked out unless snoopervised.  

So not fair!

Then Ellie had to go to the v-e-t today because mom was worried about her eye goobers...turns out that's just the way she is.  She is fine.  No one fusses over me like that.

So to get some attention I got to pull out all the stops.  First I let my mom use her finger in my mouth like dental floss.  I'm not sure why she likes doing this, but it amuses her.  She thinks it's cute.

Then I lick her fingers.  She is powerless at this point.

A girl's gotta do what a girls' gotta do.  This was followed by me coming inside out of the freezing cold and full on hugging my mom and licking her face.   I'm pretty sure that Santa is going to bring me everything on my list.


Winston Wilbur said...

so pretty in your pictures. Some days I think it is all about Winston my pug brother. Hmft! So I meow my head off until mum gives me cuddles and more attention. Sometimes I even push Winston outta the way so I can get in the centre of attention. Yup, a girl has gotta do what a girl needs to to get attention. You go girl!


Forever Foster said...

Butter wouldn't melt in your mouth right now, Ginger ;)

Sweet Purrfections said...

You deserve everything on your list and more!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...



SeaThreePeeO said...

We think you're going to be getting everything you've asked Sanata Paws for!

Anonymous said...

Ginger ~ yoo are norty but nice! We fink yoo'll get efurrything on yoor list!

Milo and Alfie xx

The Monkeys said...

You're definitely going to be on the good kitty list, Ginger! Nice work!

The Whiskeratti said...

Oh, Ginger, of course you are on the nice list!

Parker said...

If you did a full on hug and a face lick you're in like Flynn with Santa!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Ginger, you made us laugh out loud this morning. We are picturing Grete nomming up ornaments at lightening spped and sweet Nigel with his paws like an angel. Too cute!

The Creek Cats said...

Yes, you deserve it all, Ginger!!
Last year Dixie pulled a painted starfish off the tree and ate it. Mom had no clue until she barfed it up!

The Island Cats said...

Ginger, you're just a low maintenance kind of cat...all the others require so much attention!! And Grete eating the ornamment...well, she probably couldn't help herself...it's hard to resist those things hanging on the tree!

The Florida Furkids said...

We're sure Santa was watching and you'll get effurything you've asked for!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Ellen Whyte said...

Ginger, I'm sure you'll get the lot. You're so sweet!

Cory Clark said...

Ginger - you're a very good kitty! The only thing that would happen if Mom put her fingers in our mouths would be a good bite!

Nico, Austin & JayJay :)

Anonymous said...

We bet you get eFURything on your list and then MORE!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Ginger, you're "Finger Lickin' Good"!!!

CCL Wendy said...

Well, Ginger, you always seem to get your Tuesday to tattle -- so you're not too hard done by! Yes, that is a very cute thing you with the licking. What kitty mama wouldn't love that. I'll bet you're going to get something extra special for Christmas now.

JC said...

Looks like you had a PURRfect time out there ...

** please help me find a home for the boys .. stop by my blog and mention them on yours **

GLOGIRLY said...

Ginger, you know how to work it, girl!!!
You've clearly got your mom wrapped around your paw. And it's going to pay off big time come Christmas!!!

(Glogirly's cat)

Daisy said...

Ginger, I think you are going straight to the top of Santa's "nice" list!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

These humans of ours can be really strange at times, but once you get them trained, you can just ignore a lot of their strangeness and they don't pursue it.

And we bet you will go to the top of Santa Paws' good list. xxxxxxx

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

One look at those pictures and I am sure you will get all you want.. HUgs GJ xx

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh Ginger...you are workin' it! We bet you get great presents!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Sandy Claws is sure to bring you everything on your list.

Just Ducky said...

Ginger you are such a cutie.

Mickey's Musings said...

Hahahaha!! Silly dogums ;)
Ginger, you are too cute. Santa could not resist you. Make sure your list is long ;)
Thank you for the purrs. They helped lots :) The Vet lady was happy with the test results. Nothing too serious!!!!

Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

Cat with a Garden said...

Great pictures, Ginger. Thank you for updating us on efurryone, we're glad both Grete and Ellie are alright. Shame about not being allowed alone with the tree! Not that we're going to be near any tree at all...

Quill and Greyson said...

I love getting the full dirt from you Ginger. I'm sure you're getting the full list.

Quill and Greyson said...

Oh yeah, Mom goes on and on about how much she loves your markings and how tabbylicious you are.

Cliff and Olivia said...

You're such a cutie, and you know just how to handle the humans. To bad about the locked up tree. Tell Grete we said TSK!