The things that go on around here.
Sheesh. Really. I hope you didn't fall for Cory's post yesterday. I know the real scoop on the cheese. You see, I sit on my dad's desk. A lot. I heard the conversation he had with the
Tillamook cheese lady. I saw the website up on his computer. He was ordering Christmas presents for everyone...sorry if I'm spilling it, but the cat's out of the bag now.

There was a mix up on the order. Dad ordered and he thought he couldn't get the special 100
th anniversary cheese. Then they told him he could. He cancelled his original order and then reordered. He asked to have everything shipped in December. All was perfect. Until that fateful day Cory's hero arrived at the door bearing gifts of cheese. A month early. Not only the cheese dad ordered, but the order he cancelled as well. In addition, all the cheese he wanted shipped to friends and family is already arriving on their doorsteps as well. It's literally raining cheese! But none of it was meant for Cory, not a speck.

How do I know this? Because Cory was so beside herself with joy, throwing herself on the boxes ::rolls eyes::, dad felt bad. Yes, she manipulated him into feeling bad. And you know what? Even with all that cheese in the house, there was none for us. We were out of cheese! Cheese cheese everywhere, but not a bite to eat. So what did dad do? He actually went to the store to buy cheese special for Cory so she wouldn't freak out. Spoiled brat. She still doesn't realize that all that cheese is not for her. I don't even like cheese. A big fuss over nothing if you ask me.

Enough of the cheese.
Jonesie and I were bummed because it started raining and the leaves were covering our deck and getting in our food dish. Ellie, being Ellie, consoled us. Not that I need consoling, but there's something about having Ellie give you
lickers that makes everything

Ah yes, a little to the left please.
And that is what is really going on at our house.
Well if all that cheese is a mistake then I think Cory should get all she wants shouldn't she?
Oh dear there is nothing worse than a spoilt surprise.. I hope your dad told them off.. But hey I was getting excited about all that cheese, I was hoping to fly over on the boogie mat and help you eat it..I love the idea of you getting lvely lickies from the lovely Ellie.. Hugs GJ xx
Wait, yer sayin the place is rainin cheeses and yer not getting anny? That dont seem right.
Poor Cory! Your dad is pretty special if he went out and bought a special thing of cheese just so Cory wouldn't be disappointed.
Wow Ginger, what a story. And what a big huge mix-up. The cheese company really has to make up for disapointing Cory and Ellie and spoiling your dad's Christmas surprise. We say you should get to keep all the cheese!
Those lickers look delicious!
Ah Ginger... Let's let little Cory dream a little.....
Hi Ging,
Oh poor Cory ~ that's so unfair. Yoor Dad did the right thing buying some chesse speshully for Cory. She musta been gutted when she found owt it wasn't for her!
We love yoor tattle tail posts when yoo dish the dert! Tee hee.
Milo and Alfie xx
Ginger, you better keep an eye on Cory. That means she has a whole month to plan how to get the cheese!
Wow, that is quite a fiasco about the cheese!
SO, alllll that cheese has to go back???
We think since the company messed up, they should let Cory keep all of that cheese!
Hopefully Cory will never find out the truth!!
Thanks for that scoop, Ginger!! But we hope you all get to keep all that cheese...even if it means Cory will have lots and lots of cheese...maybe you should learn to like it???
We think that company should let Cory keep some of the cheese. Cory is going to be so sad if she sees all the cheese leave.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We hope that Cory gets to keep all that cheese!
Thank you for confirming my suspicions that all that cheese was destined to be gifted, Ginger! I sure hope your daddy can get it all straightened out with the Tillamook people -- they made a big booboo!
It's nice that daddy went to get Cory some cheese just for kitties, too, even if you don't like it. Otherwise, it's just a big cheese-tease!
Oh dear, that is a big mess up isn't it!
Oh, Cory! No cheese for you? What a tragedy! So near and yet so far! Whitey still haz no cheese either. :sigh:
Well that is one sad tale! I hope everyone gets the wheel of their dreams sooner or later. In light of this information, I gave cheese to Wizard, right away. Guilt by association I guess. Nom, nom!
~Lisa Co9T
We're not too big on cheese, but the boy loves spaghetti sauce. But the beans don't let any of us have any because it's so bad for us, especially Boo. Leave it to my little surprise...
It's me again! Bennette's on the LOLSpot today.
Ginger you don't like cheese? Wow that is crazy talk to me! I love it and so do my kitties. And I feel a bit bad for Cory not getting any of that tasty looking cheese. And I cannot believe (ok yes I can really) that the company messed up that badly! I hope it all works out ok!
That's too bad about the cheese. I say, give the kitties some, at least give Cory some. There, Cory, I expect you to share it with me.
That's a lot of cheese to get for a mistake. Is he going to keep it and give it later to those that didn't get it yet? It was very swweet of your daddy to go out and buy you all some cheese since you didn't have any that you could eat in the house.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Gracie
It was nice of your dad to buy cheese for Cory! Ellie is such a good momma to you all!
Well I really was wondering about the cheese overload. Sorry about the cheddar.
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