I'm very sensitive about these things. I don't usually sleep with my mom. That job belongs to my momma Ellie and my sister Bennette. The second I knew something was up, it was time for me to take charge. I jumped up on the bed where my mom was complaining loudly and I burrowed under the covers and curled up in a ball right where her tummy is so I could purr away her pain. I knew I was doing good when she stopped fussing over her tummy and started fussing over me.
My mom didn't get a picture of the whole thing, but this picture is a dramatization of what I did. You'll have to imagine the blankie covering me. 

I stayed with my mom until dad got home. Then I let him take over.

What a great job you did, Cory! Purrs to your mom, we hope she'll be fine in no time! Siena & Chilli
You're a great nurse, Cory! I hope your mom is feeling better.
Cats are great hot water bottles (or heating pads) MOL
What a great caretaker your are Cory! I bet it really helped your mom!
Kodak, 3 perf and Blossom
I hope everyone starts feeling better.
A cats work is never done. Excellent job.
Cory, you did such a wonderful thing taking care of your Mom until your Dad got home! Our Dad probably wouldn't take over ... hee hee! We like to lay on Momma to keep her warm when she is sickly! Please give hugs to your Mom from us!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Yes! Good job with the, "I'll purr loudly and lay on you and everything will be all better" remedy!
That's so sweet. Your Mom is so lucky to have a faithful friend like you:)
Cory, good job taking care of your mom. We do that too when our mom isn't feeling well. Sometimes you just have to take care of the beans.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Your mum was in great paws, with you looking after her. We hope she is feeling better, and is back to full strength very soon! Purrs.
You did really good!
I forgot to say that I hope your mom is doing better.
Good job! Hope mom is all better by now. Whimpurr came down with chills, aches and 102 fever yesterday ... and she had a flu shot. :o(
We know what it's like to have to take care of a Mama with an owie tummy. We hope your mommy is feeling better with you taking care of her.
We so hope your Mom is feeling better. You did good looking after her like that.
Very good job you did. We think it's one of our most important jobs too - looking after the fragile humans when they are ill. We do it in shifts though.
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