Finally, mom and dad were able to bring Mr. Bojangles inside. Mom was upset because Mr. B had spent the past couple of days hanging out in our dog house. After being gone for 2 days, he was not straying far at all. The weather forecast was calling for dropping temperatures, and when it looked like there might be snow, that was the last straw. No more coaxing him along, it was time he stopped being coy and came in the house. Mom and dad borrowed our neighbors trap and set it up in the early evening on Monday night. By the time they went to bed, Mr. B was still avoiding eating the food in the trap. Dad ended up staying up most of the night because he was afraid Mr. B would get caught in the middle of the night and end up sitting in a cold metal cage for hours. When mom got up, she took over. She went outside and did the normal early morning ritual...clanging a fork on a plate so he can hear, and opening up a can of fancy feast. He came out for his normal stood there and talked to him and within 2 minutes he walked into the trap and the door closed. Just like that! Mr. B was totally freaked out, but he only had to spend a couple of minutes in the cage because my mom saw it all happen. He was swooped up and brought inside to our TV room (cage and all). He was set up with a litter box, a cat bed and his food and water. When he was let out of the cage, he immediately hid behind the couch. This is what the yard looked like moments after he was captured.

He is now safe in the room. He hasn't touched his food all day. We are gathered outside the door, curious as can be about our mystery guest. The only one who isn't curious is
Jonesie. That's because she already knows him! We won't be allowed to meet him until he completely settles down and mom and dad can get him to the v-e-t to check him out and scan for a microchip. Right now mom is
concerned that she won't be able to stuff him in a travel box for a couple of days. Hopefully by the weekend she will be able to touch him. She doesn't even want to try because she wants him to do things in his own time.

He was doing a bit better this evening, out from behind the couch and sitting on the back of it. Mom sat in the room with him tonight for while so he can get used to her. No pictures of him for a few days since mom thinks sticking the flashy box in his face might be pushing it. He seems to be sick with a runny nose and some sneezes. He is scared of mom because she is the one there when he was trapped, but dad can pet him just fine. That breaks mom's heart since she tried so hard for him all these months and now dad is the one he likes. Dad will be the one to try and take him to the vet tomorrow if he can get him in the box.
It breaks our hearts that he was out there on his own for so long, but hopefully he understands on some level that he is loved and we will take care of him.

We are so happy that Bojangles is safe inside. Hopefully he will realize how wonderful inside is. We hope that he gets a clean bill of health so that you will get to meet him soon.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
He'll trust your mom soon. It will help if she stays in the room when she feeds him. Then he'll associate the food with her and learn to trust her again.
Yay, what a cool Gotcha Day for Bojangles. Oh dear, if he even got the sniffles he might be homeless indeed. Your humans are so good. We are amazed, that your dad can pet him!!! We understand that it's hard for your mom, but we think he's playing hard to get. And it wasn't hard for her to get him! So... Ok, we're confused now.
Concats on getting Mr. B!!! Hopefully he will calm down and will be brought to the vet soon.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Congratulations!!!!!! We are so happy that he is safe inside, it looks like it must be freezing outdoors. Your parents sound like such good people, Cory, to be taking such wonderful care of Mr. Bojangles. We smiled when we saw your Dad wanted to make sure he wasn't stuck in the trap ovenight.
Most of our fosters prefer our Dad, if he's home for a while when they're staying, and we are friendliest to him. Mum is the one who does all the worming and flea treatments and baths and vet trips, and she thinks that is why. But she would rather they have Dad as their favourite while being parasite free and healthy, rather than Mum being the favourite but they've got worms in their bellies and fleas on their backs.
Again, congratulations to your parents. They've done a terrific job:)
OH Cory, I thinks that Mr BJ will love everyone in time, he will understand what he had then and what he has now. That is very very kind and thoughtful of your momma not to stick the flashy box in his face when he is so scared.. oh we is so excited for you all.. and we very crosses our paws that the vet will give is a clean bill of health...
PES: Isn't it wonderful how nice things always happen at just the right time.. like catching him before all that snow :))
It's great that Mr. Bojangles is inside. We hope he calms down soon!
We are so glad the trapping was a success!! It looks dreadfully cold where you are, so Mr. Bojangles is a lucky fella to be in your house right now! Hopefully he will get used to things soon and will be able to get to the vet for a check out. Concats to your mom and dad on a job well done, they are obviously very experinced in this area!
When our mom first started trapping with the TNR group the sound of the trap going off frightened her a alot. Now she thinks it's one of the best sounds.
I am so glad that Mr. B is finally inside where it's warm and safe!! I am sure y'all will become fast friends!
Yeah! Sounds like Mr. Bojangles may have wanted to be caught. Our mom and dad had a similar experience with Zoey (her gotcha day is coming up next week!). When Zoey was living outside at dad's store, dad was the one that was feeding her and she would let him pet her. Mom was the one that actually trapped her and Zoey hated mom at first. Dad had to take Zoey to the vet cuz mom couldn't get near her. When they brought Zoey to our house, Mom took over as Zoey's caretaker (feeding, cleaning box, etc.) and now Zoey loves mom almost more than dad (much to dad's dismay!).
We are so happy that your mom and dad caught Mr. Bojangles!
We are so glad he is now inside!
GREAT JOB! He is one lucky kitty boy, even though he might not realize it just yet! *purrs*
Oh Cory, your Mom and Dad did good! We are so pleased that Bojangles hasn't got to stay out in the cold any more.The garden looks cold (but pretty) and it must have been very hard for him being outside. We'r sure once he ha settled in he will let your Mom stroke him too.
We hope he gets on OK at da VETS!
Thank goodness Mr. Bojangles is finally safe and warm inside. You are so kind to help him out like that.
That is such great news!
Don't worry Mom this is classic teach Mom who is boss behavoir in this house. Mr BJ must have known about the trap, he went in cause he knew you would take care of him. You're a great mom!!
I am so happy for him~!!!
That is great!
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