It's just that with my Grete dog, it really is always something. She came to us with a sketchy history...from the pound...former owner was forced to give her up, then she was found running loose, they were pretty sure she was spayed...initial exam from our dr. showed that her hips were fine.
Yes, it's true her hips are fine. It was her elbows that were messed up. She is now on the verge of a full recovery after 2 surgeries and lots of patience on her part. It was also hard on me because I wanted to chase her, but I couldn't. She is just about ready for the full release to the dog park....and then....
Why is Grete licking herself so much? Why is Grete marking everything on her walkies...why...uh oh...why does our spayed Grete appear to be in heat?
A trip to the vet didn't make things easier on mom and dad. They found what they "think" is a spay scar. They ran a hormone test...normal. The dr. is trying to chase down whatever sketchy records they can get from her past life.
Anyway...she can't go back to the dog park for sure right now. The mystery will be resolved, but mom and dad need to know if she just isn't spayed, or if it was an incomplete spay...2 different things according to the doctor (didn't Ayla just go through this sort of thing?).
So Grete continues to keep things interesting around here...just when we thought us kitties were getting all the attention.
Oh sweet Grete! What a mystery pup you are. We are happy that your elbows have been fixed up, and that you are with good people who want to help you. We hope they can sort it out for you, so you can get back to playing with your boyfriends:)
Cory, I'm sure you wouldn't want that sort of attention (vet visits, surgeries...). We're glad that her elbows are okay now! Poor Grete, still can't hang out with the boys...
We hope you find out soon!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
i hopes puppy iz feels better. but kitties: iz bestest to stays away anyway. puppies is stoopid. :)
Grete you are a mystery dawg indeedy!
An ultrasound might show if anything was left behind (but sometimes it can just be a few cells that cause oestrus in cats when a spay isn't complete - might be different for dawgs)
We wonder if she's marking more because she's been away from her Dog Park for a while and her territory outside is now smaller so she's marking more to make sure all dogs know this is her territory?
Grete sweetheart. it's time to tell your Mom and Dad those secrets - they want to help you!
Whicky Wuudler
You know even though is a woofie Grete, I has such a case of poorness for you girls.. and you knowz what.. you has been through so much already and you is still such a sweet girl.. I think woofies should nominate you as their spokes person.
I will be a purring there is nothing bad for Grete.. she certainly does not deserve any more..
Puurs to you Miss Grete and your Momma and dadda also!! ( I iz sure they is worried :( )
Just another thought here - could they spay scar be a caesarian scar?
Best of luck with the microchip info, would be wonderful if the original vet still has her records!
Leave it to the woofies to take the attention away from the kitties. Seriously, I hope the vet figures out what is going on with Grete!
Oh we hope the v-e-t can figure out what's going on with Grete so she can get back to her normal self!
Poor Grete. I hope that they find out so that she can go back to the dog park..
We are so happy that Grete's elbows are doing well.
She is quiet a mystery girl, isn't she? Hope everything works out purrfect for her. She is beautiful.
~ The Bunch
Grete is obviously keeping you on your toes!
We wanted to say a belated thank you for visiting our blog after we lost our beloved Sen-Chan and leaving such a nice comment.
Tom, Tama-Chan and #1
Poor Grete! We know what you mean, "If it's not one thing, it's another!" Sometimes we feel like that with Harley. I hope she will be right as rain soon.
Poor Grete - we do hope you get sorted out soon. It's no fun being poorly is it?
Omigoodness, Grete! Keep 'em guessing!
Seriously, I hope everything gets figured out soon ...
Poor Grete seems to have had her share of problems. We hope the V-E-T can find out if she was really spayed and that her elbows get better fast!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Poor Grete! We hope this gets all sorted out soon so you can get back to your dog park!! It must be nice to hang with some other dawgs as you live with so many felines!
Purrs Goldie
O, Grete. Yous a mystery, but a gorgeous woofie.
We's purring an purraying fur you.
Love & Purrs, KC
Poor Grete, Mommy never heard of an incomplete spay?
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