Cecilia: I'm so glad it stopped snowing and raining so I could get a bit of time outside. I was getting cabin fever! I've been doing my best to help my mom sweet talk Bojangles. I like him. Here he is slinking away after getting something to eat. It's still cold, so after I check out the yard, I curl up inside my basket on the deck. It used to be Madison's basket but I kind of took it over.

I think it's time for mom to go basket shopping again...I'm guessing I'll get the new one, but I think it's up to me to pick, right?
Those of us who have come to our house as strays...I mean choosy selectors of real estate...get to maintain our outdoor privileges. Cory and her momma Ellie were adopted from a foster home...they don't know the lay of the land like we do, so they have to stay inside or be supervised.
It is very sweet of you to act as envoy to Bojangles. We hope you can make some headway.
Maybe you could let Madison have a quick nap in his basket sometimes. That would be sweet too!:)
Cecilia, we are glad it stopped snowing and raining for you too! Especially since you can help out with Bojangles, you are such a doll to help your Mom! We are glad we don't go outside ... it is only 1 degree here in St. Louis! BRRRRR!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
We're glad the nasty weather went away. Baskets are fun!!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
This is very nice of you to help your Mom entice Bojangles. There's nothing like teamwork!
Whicky Wuudler
Ooooo it is furry thoughtful of you to help with Bojangles! you are such a big help with your Mom.
You are fine fine envoy
We hope you can make furiends with Mr. Bojangles...he looks like a nice kitty!
(pee ess. you guys play the best music with your posts!!!)
We are so glad you getting spend some time outside again, Cecilia! Keep up the good work with Mr. Bojangles!
Awesome tunage!
I wish I could be as carefree and wild, but I got cat class and I got cat style......
i getted to go outsides today too! iz nice and they iz lizards.
i likes your basket! i hopes you gets more. you no let other kitties pick first! you gets first choice!
I think Bojangles did very well in getting you to like him. It seems your the queen of that patio, eh? So, it is good to get along with you. We hope you'll get some baskets to choose from!
Stay warm!
Choosy Selectors of Real Estate! That is delightful!
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