To congratulate her on being elected the next President of the Cat Blogosphere! This is a historic election, and I recognize the special significance it has for Feline-Americans and for the special pride that is ours today.
I urge all cats... I urge all cats who supported me to join me in not just congratulating Coco, but offering our next President our goodwill and earnest effort to find ways to come together to find the necessary compromises to bridge our differences (floofy vs. slinky) and help restore our prosperity, defend our security in a dangerous world (against vishus deer and evil squirrel), and leave our kittens a stronger, better blogosphere than we inherited.

Thank you so much, for without all of you this would not have been possible.
Play time! I'm free to be a kitten cat once again!
Oh, my mom said that she is so proud of me that she's getting me a REALLY BIG PRESENT! I should be getting it VERY soon! I wonder what it is???

Well that was a lovely speech, largely because it mentioned me... Still I am not sure I want to recognize any president. After all, I am my supreme authority. I wonder if all cats think like that? No wonder humans have gotten the better of us!
What a nice speech! It was an honor to be your opponent. Now I can go back to snoozing!
Cordial Cory,
What a kind and gentle concession speech. I am a little teary eyed. It's late, and all us cats want to snooze, but I couldn't go to sleep without a long distance headbonk to you. (Teri said it's really called bunting behavior)
Your furrend,
You're a very gracious kitty, Cory Cat. Your momma should be proud:)
Wow, what a speech! We hope you at least get invited to the Inauguration Ball, Cory!
You are very gracious in your concession speech, Cory! We're not sure we'd be so nice!
Hm, well, if THIS was the present then I hope you'll like it :-)
Woops! Sorry, I put my comment to this post on the previous post by accident!
That was a very moving speech! We think you all did a great job!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Ever the gentleman (even to the bitter(sweet) end...). True grace, class and charm.
Such composure and self assuredness. We tip our hats to you Cory... on a well run race.
PS this new blog format is the cat's meow; just so purrty.
A very gracious concession speech, Cory!
ps: I just noticed your animated Favicon. Cool!
Love your new template! Ana is the best!
We are in awe of your new blog layout!!
That was a very touching concession speech, Cory.
Excellent speech Cory! Love your new look, very pretty!
That was an excellent speech. We like your new look!
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