Today I introduce my sister Jonesie, sometimes called Joni Jet. Different rules appy to Jonesie and the door opens and closes for her whenever she wants. I still don't understand why the door works for her and not for me. She thinks she is queen of the yard, probably because she is.
My mom told me that Jonesie came to them one cold winter. There were a couple of kitties hanging out in the backyard, but they didn't need a home. One day those 2 kitties showed my mom and dad this sad little kitty that had been hiding in the bushes. She had given up hope. Her fur was falling out in patches and she wasn't sure she wanted to eat anymore. She was brought into the house with the thought that my mom would find Jonesie a home. We never saw those other 2 kitties again. Spooky. It took 2 months to nurse Jonesie back to health. At one point my dad asked my mom if she found Jonesie a home. Yes, I have. Well, you know the rest...that was 6 years ago.
Jonesie lets my momma and me wash her a bit, but she only tolerates it. Jonesie's job is to go outside in the morning, patrol, then come in no later than dusk. She's irritated if someone doesn't go look for her in the evening. Jonesie is cool.
Jonesie is cool! I know it is very difficult to get equal blogging time with families as large as ours. We are constantly fighting over blog space! It has been great getting to know all of you!!
~Maggie May and The Creek Cats~
Jonesie look like one of my female kitten :)
I've updated my blog with some cat stamps collection new series and handy
tool for my cat's room. check it out!
Handy tool for my cat's room,
Cat Stamps Part 4,
Cat Stamps Part 3,
Cat Stamps Part 2,
Cat Stamps Part 1
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